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Greengates School S.C. 23.11.2022

Greengates School categorically denies malicious rumors regarding alleged confirmed cases of corona virus (COVID19) in school. These are fake news. Our community is better than that and fully aware that we have over 50 nationalities within our student body. The decision to close was in the best interest of our community. Our professional team of teachers and educators will make sure that our students continue with their learning journey using all of our technology.

Greengates School S.C. 23.11.2022

It's #EarthDay ! Green is not just a part of our name! We proudly instill the importance of looking after our planet in our students all throughout their educational journey!... As a school we are committed to: Reducing waste, reusing and recycling! Solar energy and LED lighting Designated and well cared green areas on campus! And more! Let's look after our planet and school so we can continue to enjoy these beautiful views from all over our campus!

Greengates School S.C. 23.11.2022

Back to School! Sanitary protocols The best teachers and staff Newest and most advanced tech ... Students: online (and showing us all that our #greengateslions are, not only more involved and consciou, but also far more technologically adept!) We know we will be back in the classroom together soon, but in the meantime #educationcantwait ! Welcome back to School !!! **There's a sneak peak at our new yearbook cover in the image!

Greengates School S.C. 22.11.2022

As part of the IB visual arts programme our students experiment with a variety of mediums to communicate and express their art. Our exceptional students produce numerous pieces of art, here we look at some of their work last year! Como parte del programa de Visual Arts del IB, nuestros estudiantes experimentan con una variedad medios para comunicar y expresar su visión artística. Nuestros excepcionales estudiantes producen numerosas piezas de arte todos los años. Aquí compart...imos algunas piezas del año pasado! - - - - - #greengatesschool #GG #greengates #greengatesmexico #greengatesmexico #internationalschool #seniorschool #artstudents #art #creativity #colours #arte #creatividad #visualarts #ib #internationalschools #internationalbaccalaureate #britishinternationalschool

Greengates School S.C. 22.11.2022

Happy Monday! In these difficult times, let's find some cheer in music. We miss our amazing orchestra, and look forward to having a concert when we are safely back! In the meantime, what tune will you kick-off your week with? ----- Feliz Lunes! En estos tiempos tan difíciles, tratemos de alegrar nuestra semana con algo de música! Extrañamos a nuestra orquesta, y esperamos poder oírla de nuevo pronto.... Mientras tanto... Con que canción empezarán su semana? See more

Greengates School S.C. 22.11.2022

We are proud to recall that earlier this year, Greengates students once again participated in some of the country's top mathematic competitions: In the 23rd Anahuac University A.N. Kolmogorov Mathematics competition 16 students made it to the semifinals and 7 to the finals. Our students competed against over 700 top mathematicians from across Mexico. One of our students won the competition , with two others placing 6th and 8th. Congratulations to Ms. Graciela Capin on these ...outstanding results In the Mathcount Competition that took place in Monterrey, all eight students attained considerable success. Out of fifteen participating schools and over 140 students, we came 4th in the relay competition. Our B team came first in their competition, and we had four students in the top 20. Greengates placed third overall! A round of applause to Mr. Chris Jarret who led the team for this competition!. Con mucho orgullo recordamos que a principios de este año, nuestros estudiantes participaron en algunas de las competencias matemáticas más importantes del país! En la 23a competencia A.N. Kolmogorov de la universidad Anáhuac, 16 de nuestros estudiantes llegaron a semifinales, y 7 a la final. Nuestros estudiantes compitieron contra más de 700 matemáticos de toda la republica. Uno de nuestros estudiantes ganó la competencia, con dos estudiantes más logrando el 6o y 8o lugar. Una gran felicitación a Ms Graciela Capin que lideró y preparó nuestro equipo! En la competencia Mathcount que tomó lugar en Monterrey, nuestros 8 estudiantes tuvieron mucho éxito. De 15 escuelas participantes y más de 140 estudiantes, logramos quedar en 4o lugar en la competencia de relevos. Nuestro equipo B ganó su competencia, y tuvimos a 4 estudiantes en el top 20! La escuela quedó en 3er lugar general. Un fuerte aplauso para Mr. Chris Jarret por su liderazgo! - - - - - #mathcount #mathcounts2020 #maths #matematicas #mathematics #anahuac #kolmogorov #greengatesschool #GG #greengateslion #lions #educationaljourney #educatingleaders #achievement #success #scholarships #education #escuelainternacional #internationalschools #internationalbaccalaureate #britishschool

Greengates School S.C. 22.11.2022

It is incredibly difficult to put together in a small picture the over 100 different formal admission offers from the best universities in the world for our class of 2020! We put a few together, but definitely not enough. Congratulations to our students and we look forward to their success! Some numbers we would like to share:... Over $900,000 in financial aid and scholarships. 12 different countries (all over the globe) 19% of students will attend top universities in Mexico 25% in the US 7% will go to top UK universities The remaining 51% will attend college in countries including Truly global! A big applause to our students and our outstanding college admissions office! - - - - - #flex #classof2020 #educationaljourney #greengatesschool #GG #greengates #stanford #college #collegeadmissions #financialaid #academicexcellence #thebritishschoolinmexico #greengateslions #universidades #escuelainternacional #trulyinternational #internationalschools

Greengates School S.C. 22.11.2022

Greengates School categorically denies the malicious rumors regarding alleged confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID19) in school. Our community is better than that, and well aware that we have over 50 nationalities represented within our student body. The decision to close was solely made as a preventive measure, in the best interest of our community. Our team of professional educators will make sure that children continue with their learning journey, using our technology.

Greengates School S.C. 22.11.2022

A Greengates School International Fair is not complete without amazing food, drinks and souvenirs from all around the world! We would like to take this opportunity to mention and share information about some of the wonderful restaurants and entertainers that participated in recent years! A short list of shout outs: ... The delicious MOG Bistro and the @Royal India Restaurant! Mr. Srichai Pangsri's Thai food from Bangkok Restaurante Thai desde 1985! The gorgeous dancers from the Academia de Flamenco Verónica Aguirre The mesmerizing dancers from the Nour Al Riyad Compañía de Danza St. Patrick's Dance Group and the St. Patrick's Battalion Pipe Band. The always fun mariachi band Mariachi Alma Azteca and the Group from the Ballet Folklórico de México de Amalia Hernández The passion brought on by the Tango pair from Con Aires de Argentina. And who has not danced to Furia Percusiva and singer Thay Luar from Brazil at the end of the show? We know there are many more and would love to share/tag you on a story if you have participated in the fair and would like a shoutout!

Greengates School S.C. 22.11.2022

Our beloved Toni Hauri giving a class on visual arts! Mr. Hauri is a teacher by day and IB examiner by night (and morning and day!). Although exams will not be taking place our diploma candidates (and their teachers) are still working hard as they finalize their internal assessments and coursework for evaluation. We look forward to their results and diplomas! If you've been taught by Mr. Hauri don't forget to leave him a shout-out below! Nuestro querido Toni Hauri dando una ...clase de visual arts! Toni es maestro de día, y examinador del IB de noche (y mañana y tarde). Aunque no habrá exámenes, nuestros estudiantes serán evaluados con sus internal assessments y nuestros profesores continúan revisando y preparando sus trabajos para asegurarse de un exitoso fin de curso! Esperamos con ansias sus resultados y diplomas! Si alguna vez tomaste una clase con Toni, no olvides dejarle un mensaje! See more

Greengates School S.C. 22.11.2022

Finding new books to read both for students and their parents is a difficult task during the quarantine. To help with this we will be sharing books that #DrDesouchesRecommends: For infant students and their parents: Angry Arthur, by Hyawin Oran and Satoshi Kitamura. At a time when young children are struggling to cope with the quarantine, this tale about handling negative emotions and frustration will help parents connect and talk with their children.... For junior students: Grandfather's Journey by Allen Say. A moving biographical story about discovering a new home whilst loving and remained attached to one's first home. An excellent book for #thirdculturekids For senior students: Travels with my Aunt by acclaimed English novelist Graham Greene. This is a story filled with unexpected twists, black humour, and bizarre yet heart-warming lessons. It is strongly recommended for mature readers (and their parents!).

Greengates School S.C. 21.11.2022

Hoy se celebra el Grito de Independencia de México! Hoy y mañana compartiremos algunas fotos de nuestra celebración del año pasado Esperamos que todos puedan disfrutar alguna parte de la diversa y hermosa cultura mexicana con su familia en casa! Ya llegará el momento de festejar con los tradicionales tacos, chocolate, bailes y música juntos!... Today we celebrate the Cry of Independence! We will be sharing some photos from last year's celebration today and tomorrow We hope that you are all able to indulge in some part of the wonderful and diverse Mexican culture at home safely with your family! We look forward to celebrating together eating the traditional tacos, chocolate, as well as enjoying the dances and music soon!!!

Greengates School S.C. 21.11.2022

Today is Shakespeare Day! To celebrate let's have a look at some of the outstanding performances our students have put up! From the comedies Much Ado About Nothing and Midsummer Night's Dream to the tragic Macbeth. From whole plays to soliloquies and monologues, our students make our auditorium feel like @the_globe itself at times! We can't wait for the next play once we are able to safely go back! What is your favourite play?... On our Facebook and Instagram stories we have shared a link to The Globe's website where you may watch some plays for free! You can also check their youtube channel for more videos. On Shakespeare Day, why not watch a play? See more

Greengates School S.C. 21.11.2022

Our Primary School students are incredibly #talented Here are some samples of the #primaryart !! Let us know which is your favourite! Nuestros estudiantes de primaría son sumamente #talentosos... Aquí tenemos algunos ejemplos de sus #obrasdearte !! Cuál es tú favorita? - - - - - #greengatesschool #GG #greengates #greengatesmexico #greengatesmexico #internationalschool #primaryschool #artstudents #art #creativity #colours #arte #creatividad

Greengates School S.C. 20.11.2022

Thank you all very much for joining us yesterday! We hope you enjoyed the virtual parade! The International Fair is a Greengates tradition where the world gathers at our school field .... Through the years we are proud to have had over nationalities at Greengates , with most of them participating in our fair We have shared our photos on our highlights reel (linked here: https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3OTU2NDEyODMzNDE), so make sure to check them out! Remember to like/comment on the story with your country to earn a chance to win a small prize! We really look forward to seeing you all in person next year

Greengates School S.C. 20.11.2022

We are deeply saddened by the passing of His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. In commemoration of his visit to Mexico in 1964, our founders chose to name one of our Sport Houses Edinburgh. It was during this visit that our students were part of a welcoming delegation and had the privilege of greeting him. We honour his lifelong commitment and passion to education. On behalf of the Greengates Community, I offer our heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty The Quee...n and the Royal Family. Dr. Clarisa Desouches Greengates School Mexico

Greengates School S.C. 20.11.2022

In these challenging and uncertain times, it is important to take a moment and celebrate the success and moments of joy that come across in our community. Unfortunately, for the first time in Greengates history, this year we were unable to hold our Speech Day and Graduation Ceremony for our Upper 6thstudents. Our students completed their IB Diploma, and will be looking to start their college life soon (not being able to hold speech day does not mean that we will not celebrat...e once we have an opportunity to!). In the meantime we would like to use this post to draw your attention to their success and hope that you will all join us in wishing them the best of luck as they take a step-forward. Now more than ever, their positivity and energy will be needed in the world. Although uncertainty may feel like a shroud that could dampen their enthusiasm at this point in time, we are sure that in true Greengates Spirit they will be ready to step forward and help the world be better. As Freddie Mercury once said: make people happy, in any form. Even if it’s just an hour of their lives, if I can make them feel lucky or make them feel good, or bring a smile to a sour face, that to me is worthwhile.

Greengates School S.C. 20.11.2022

A nice panoramic view of the field taken at one of our International Fairs! Do you recognize any of the stalls? ... And so many more! As Greengates, the fair and our community have grown with the years, so has the size of the stalls, games, "carpa" and the activities. Some may remember when there was only one small mechanical game near the junior library... Now we usually have two or three, plus trampolines for kids in the patio and back of the field! Stalls now occupy bigger areas and we love to see people having the space to sit down and chat while enjoying great food and drinks

Greengates School S.C. 20.11.2022

We hope that you are all staying safe and healthy #athome How are you staying active during the quarantine? Students and alumni, what house do you belong to? Esperamos que todos se encuentren bien y sanos #encasa... Cómo se mantienen activos durante está cuarentena? Estudiantes y ex-alumnos, a qué casa pertenecen? - - - - - - #red #blue #yellow #white #sports #active #GG #greengatesschool #ggschool #exercise #stayathome #quedateencasa #sportsday #competition #challengeyourself See more


Teléfono: +52 55 5363 4262

Web: www.greengates.edu.mx/

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