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TRIAS Parkour 22.11.2022

Gravity déficit en Guadalajara #parkour #guadalajara #freerun

TRIAS Parkour 22.11.2022

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya2c6SQ7MqU nuestro compañero oscar

TRIAS Parkour 22.11.2022

Este video me va a inspirar toda la vida être et durer, mon amies

TRIAS Parkour 21.11.2022

Los obstáculos del parkour son una metáfora de los problemas de la vida.

TRIAS Parkour 20.11.2022

Podemos proteger la autenticidad y soberanía del parkour; sólo si trabajamos juntos. #WeAreParkour English version: The International Gymnastics Federation (F...IG) just approved the creation from a new discipline that "adopts" elements of parkour. It will have two types of competition which coincidentally look like the ones used in parkour. Federations have 3 income sources: 1- Affiliation payment:It serves to endorse you as a "professional" sports body. 2- Competitions payment: You must join to organize an "official" competition, or to participate in it. 3- Broadcasting rights: To be able to transmit the competition on TV or Internet, you must pay the Federation first. To develop the proposal, FIG worked with the Mouvement Association, with Jump-Freerun and Apex Movement; nevertheless, Apex decided to resign the collaboration with FIG: "We do not stand for FIG governing parkour (...) FIG’s interests do not coincide with what we perceive to be a step forward for the international parkour community. " Other parkour associations have also opposed: -Fédération de Parkour -Australian Parkour Association -New Zealand Parkour Association and Parkour UK: " FIG do not have the legitimacy, competence and/or sporting authority to develop ‘a related FIG discipline’ based on Parkour/Freerunning". According to M. Watanabe, president of the FIG, their intention is "to respect the philosophy of parkour"; But according to APEX, their assurances are not guaranteed anymore by FIG and contradictory statements have arisen: At the moment [parkour practitioners] are not organized. Their basic spirit is to be free, not to be organized. (...) But if they want to do competitions, obviously they need minimum rules and environment to make attractive competitions. I’m sure the FIG is the international federation most qualified to further develop parkour. Maybe it's time that we, as traceurs, start taking parkour's future in our own hands. We must organize ourselfs and work, so outsiders know we are professional and responsible, the same way we're funny and creative. Investigate, involve yourself and question. We are a community, let's respond as one. See more


Localidad: Mazatlán, Sinaloa

Ubicación: Parque central 82157 Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico

Web: www.instagram.com/gravitydeficit_pkfr/

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