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Gia Nutriology Puebla 23.11.2022

Retweeted Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb): 1) Antifragile on health of bones: bones are part of the endocrine system, not some engineering structure. You don't improve your bone with exercise machine.... @Mangan150 attributes the fertility crisis to correlative (Om 6), not causative (osteopenia) #Complexity #ICCS2018 https://t.co/rPWu2JLqg6

Gia Nutriology Puebla 22.11.2022

Retweeted Food for Gut Health (@Food4Gut_Health): As the gut goes, so goes the rest of the body. Grasp more the contribution of your #guthealth to your health and the importance of diet for taking care of it https://t.co/FEhTMyQiSe

Gia Nutriology Puebla 22.11.2022

Retweeted ICNS Instituto (@icnsInstituto): Los oncólogos australianos los primeros del mundo (que sepamos) en pedir ejercicio físico como parte del protocolo en cáncer https://t.co/dU8bA5heAP "Si el ejercicio fuera una pastilla, presumiríamos de descubrimiento científico". Llevamos años diciéndolo. No hay mucho interés.

Gia Nutriology Puebla 22.11.2022


Gia Nutriology Puebla 20.11.2022

Retweeted RD (@DikemanDave): @tednaiman @mackinprof @SBakerMD Dr. Bernstein explains the origins of the myth that protein causes kidney disease. A dark story that is not to be missed. https://t.co/n9D2arkFr9


Teléfono: +52 222 230 3205

Ubicación: Privada Alfredo Toxqui 72150 Puebla, Mexico

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