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Dragon Fight Club 24.11.2022

Emma Watson entrenando Kickboxing y tú diciendo que las artes marciales, no son para mujeres. Que les quita lo femenino.

Dragon Fight Club 23.11.2022

San Shou ,Sanda el significado de la palabra san shou es puño libre ,sanda combate manos libres relativo similar este estilo de combate se origino durante la d...inastia tang en el año 618-907 antes de cristo originalmente en esta modalidad no existian reglas ni equipo de proteccion se permitian golpes ,patadas,rodillas ,codos ,derribes ,proyecciones,manipulacion de articulaciones cortas manos y pies patear al oponente al suelo asi como pisarlo,someterlo, etc se podia obtener la victoria de 3 maneras 1- K.O 2-Por abandono del oponente 3-expulsion fuera del area de combate el area de combate era una plataforma de mas de 3 metros de altura y fue en 1982 cuando se reglamenta oficialmente en china de manera deportiva y en 1990 cuando el sanda adquiere notoriedad internacional en manara deportiva este sistema esta compuesto de 3 elementos 1- Los Golpes del Boxeo 2-El Pateo y Trabajo de piernas del Kung Fu 3-Las Tecnicas de Derrives y proyecciones de las luchas orientales chinas y mongolas See more

Dragon Fight Club 23.11.2022

El Full contact nace en el estado de california estados unidos en el año de 1974 surge por la necesidad ya que en las competiciones tradicionales eran de marcac...ion de puntos en la epoca del karate,taekwondo,wu shu, la idea de crear esta modalidad era de que los golpes fueran mas contundentes asi como la combinacion de tecnicas de golpes y patadas en esa epoca se formaron grandes figuras como Benny Urquidez,Joe Lewis,Billy Wallace Dragon Wilson etc y en la decada de los 80's surge una inovacion con fundamentos en reglamentos de Boxeo, Full Contact,Muay Thai ,etc en esta inovacion surge el nombre de Kick Boxing y la parte principal que diferenciaba esta del Full Contact era la implementacion de las tecnicas de pateo alas piernas (Low Kick) See more

Dragon Fight Club 23.11.2022

Cliff Thomas - Old School Fighter 7-Time World Champion Kickboxer P.K.A & K.I.C.K Cliff Magic Thomas was born with a hole in his heart the size of a silver do...llar. His parents were informed after an operation that left him with 142 stitches across his chest in the form of a cross that if they were careful with the lad he might live to age twelve. Still alive, Cliff decided he would try karate in 1972. He was only fourteen and didn’t have the money for lessons.Trainer Robert Nava let him clean the gym and do other errands to pay for his training. Four years later, in 1976, Cliff earned his Black Belt. He was soon winning trophies at non-full-contact karate events and longed for full contact kickboxing. Training with Demitrius Havanas paved the way for Cliff in PKA He would prove to be one of the greatest kickboxer of the world by the time he was forty five years of age. Along the way he won seven world championships in five different weight divisions. Cliff Magic Thomas has never been officially knocked out or knocked down. Fight record: 69 Wins, 5 Losses, 1 Draw

Dragon Fight Club 23.11.2022

Cung Le - Old School Fighter Cung came from traditional martial arts: Taekwondo, Sanshou and won the MMA championship (Strikeforce). ... His record 17 wins (12 KOs), See more

Dragon Fight Club 23.11.2022

Kyokushin Karate 1983 - entrevista com sosai Oyama interview with sosai Oyama

Dragon Fight Club 22.11.2022


Dragon Fight Club 21.11.2022


Dragon Fight Club 21.11.2022

Kick boxing para mujeres ¡¡ chicas la sinergia de la combinacion de los movimientos de la parte superior e inferior del cuerpo quema un promedio de 8.3 calorias por minuto ,ademas de tonificar su cuerpo ,quemar grasa ,ganar musculo etc animense a practicarlo

Dragon Fight Club 21.11.2022

Hassan Kassrioui - Old School Fighter World Kickboxing Champion WPKL World Muay Thai Champion W.M.C. The Most Spectacular Fighter in Muay Thai Ever... Hassan is a W.T.F. Taekwondo blackbelt and champion who used his advanced striking skill to earn several Muay Thai championship titles in Thailand and beyond. He is known for his aggressive and wild striking techniques. Kassrioui began playing sports at the age of seven. He had already watched Bruce Lee films and found karate as an exciting sport. In 1982, Kassrioui met his cousin in Tangier, who was a professional boxer in Spain. He advised him to practice taekwondo. Kassrioui applied to the local taekwondo sports school in 1983. In 1985, Kassrioui participated in the Moroccan Championships, where he finished third and stood out immediately. A year later, he was the second. In 1987 he was invited to visit Sitan gym in the Netherlands. In his first fight in Europe, Hassan challenged Peter Aerts in a heavyweight versus lightweight fight, Hassan lost by knockout in round 3, this fight was a strong lesson for Hassan. Kassrioui fought against all and always admired, and he gradually won a good name in the world of Thais and kickboxing. Hassan has defeated many Muay Thai fighters: Dany Bill, Den Muangsurin, Noël Van De Heuvel, (pepsi), Mot-Eck Muang, Eddy Saban ... The most spectacular event of Kassrioui was that during the open-air tournament in Austria against the 4th number in Thailand, Pepsi. Kassrioui fought for the first time against the Thai on the Thai rules, with elbows to the head. Kassrioui won this points match. Since then, Kassriui was unstoppable with a kicks.

Dragon Fight Club 20.11.2022

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