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Gallo Conocete 22.11.2022

Spiritual But Not Religious People only develop religion when they are unhappy with this world. Jim Jones

Gallo Conocete 22.11.2022

It’s all about discovering ourselves, less thinking more living. Be here and fucking now! Learning and unlearning from everything. Speak pure truth. -JS @fer.morlen @jorgeemoreno27

Gallo Conocete 22.11.2022

La honestidad contigo mismo es la clave para disfrutar el presente. -Jimmy Sandoval #puntazicatela #fashion #genderlessfashion #sanagustinillo #oaxaca

Gallo Conocete 21.11.2022

Death Is Coming Are U Here N Now ? #galloconocete #knowyourself #nochedemuertos #patzcuaro #michoacan

Gallo Conocete 20.11.2022

Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become. Osho #handmade #galloconocete #patzcuaro #visitmexico #michoacan #hatmaker


Teléfono: +52 33 1063 9149

Web: galloconocete.com

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