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Fundación Vive Río Lerma 23.11.2022

La naturaleza es realmente asombrosa. No es un pájaro, pero parece un pájaro. Esta flor se llama Magnolia liliflora. Hermosa.

Fundación Vive Río Lerma 23.11.2022

Titans are also known as the "Black-tipped" or "Moustached Triggerfish" due to their appearance - they have dark markings above the mouth which look like a mous...tache - and black edgings on their fins. Its snout comprises about a third of its total length and its mouth is small with chisel-like teeth. Titan triggerfish can accelerate for short distances at fairly surprising speeds. While they may enjoy taking a nibble out of divers, especially while defending their nests, Titan triggerfish tend to feed on hard corals, hard- bodied benthic invertebrates (shellfish, crustaceans and urchins) and algae. They have distinctly disruptive feeding habits, darting about the coral-scape turning over rocks, biting off pieces of branching coral and stirring up sand by fanning its fins or squirting water through its mouth in search of food. Due to this intrusive style of feeding, Titan triggerfish often have smaller fish groupies hanging about picking off leftovers from successful kills and other scraps dislodged by their thrashing about. It is the largest member of its family. Most grow 40 - 60cm in length, although there have been reports of larger ones up to 75cm lurking around as well. Castle Rock is one of the iconic dive sites in Komodo: lots of action and a very dense population of fish, with frequent strong currents. See more

Fundación Vive Río Lerma 22.11.2022

Los "cromatóforos" son células que contienen pigmentos que reflejan la luz. Se encuentran en diferentes anfibios, peces, crustáceos y cefalópodos. Algunas espe...cies pueden cambiar de color rápidamente por medio de mecanismos que cambian un pigmento por otro y reorientan la superficie reflectora de los cromatóforos como este calamar Te invito a mi página Lavetdezuly

Fundación Vive Río Lerma 21.11.2022

Orgullo mexicano, santuario de ballenas, comenzó la temporada.

Fundación Vive Río Lerma 20.11.2022

¡Estas tortugas vivieron un verdadero milagro!

Fundación Vive Río Lerma 20.11.2022

Nos gustaría saber qué opinas acerca de la contaminación del Río Lerma. ¿Podrías ayudarnos a contestar este cuestionario? Tus respuestas ayudan a la investigación de Mirna Gutiérrez Gómez https://forms.gle/tL8teH3mDXVGmpzXA


Teléfono: +52 722 625 3295

Ubicación: Leona Vicario #386, Inkania Comunidad de Negocios, int.37, Plaza Mayor 52140 Estado de México, State of Mexico, Mexico

Web: www.viveriolerma.org

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