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Fisiosinergia 23.11.2022

Estabilización Lumbo-pélvica, Ejercicios para TRA sentado, progresiones con movimientos simétricos y asimétricos de brazos y piernas con diferentes velocidades (una de sus variantes) #fisioterapia @fisiosinergiafs @ferserranov

Fisiosinergia 23.11.2022

ANATOMY PILLS - THE VARIATIONS OF THE ANSA CERVICALIS The aim of this article is to describe the anatomy, the functions and the most important anatomical vari...ations of the ansa cervicalis. ANATOMY The ansa cervicalis innervates the infrahyoid muscles. Ansa is Latin for the handle of a cup. It’s a neural complex in the neck formed by the combination of the ventral rami of the first three or four cervical spinal nerves, it’s formed by the union of its superior and inferior roots. (Kikuta S et al. 2019; Sirasanagandla SR et al. 2013; Banneheka S 2008; Olry R, Haines DE 2002). THE SUPERIOR and INFERIOR ROOTS OF ANSA CERVICALIS The superior root of the ansa cervicalis (or ramus descendens hypoglossi) travels with the hypoglossal nerve, it contains only fibers from the first and second cervical spinal nerve (C12), not including the hypoglossal nerve (Kikuta S et al. 2019; Olry R, Haines DE 2002). The inferior root (or ramus descendens cervicalis) contains fibres from ventral rami of C2 and C3, the second and third cervical spinal nerves (Kikuta S et al. 2019; Olry R, Haines DE 2002). The two roots join in the anterior wall of the carotid sheath and form a neural loop. The ansa cervicalis almost always travels anterior to the internal jugular vein. These branches supply the sternohyoid, sternothyroid and the inferior belly of the omohyoid (Olry R, Haines DE 2002; Tubbs RS, Salter EG, Oakes WJ 2005). FUNCTIONS of ANSA CERVICALIS The ansa cervicalis is considered an efferent nerve, however, the infrahyoid muscles play a role in laryngeal steadiness and excursion during phonation and deglutition and the composition of nerve fibers (afferent vs. efferent) within this nerve are unknown (Chhetri DK, Berke GS 1997). Zapata and Torrealba (1988) reported that stimulation of the central end of the transected ramus descendens hypoglossi provoked reflex contraction of cricothyroideus muscle in cats (Zapata P, Torrealba G 1988). ANATOMIC VARIATIONS OF THE THE SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR ROOTS The inferior root of the ansa cervicalis has a multitude of anatomical variants, only a few variants of the superior root have been reported (Kikuta S et al 2019; Banneheka S 2008). Caliot et al. (1986) found the superior root was symmetric in almost all cases, however, the inferior root was asymmetric in 75% of the cases (Caliot P et al. 1986). Verma et al. (2005) reported a rare finding in which the vagus nerve fused with the hypoglossal nerve immediately after its exit from the skull on the left side. The vagus nerve supplied branches to the sternohyoid, sternothyroid and superior belly of the omohyoid muscles and also contributed to the formation of the superior root of the ansa cervicalis (Verma L et al. 2005). Khaki et al. (2006) found a case of the inferior root of the ansa cervicalis that was formed by the joining of two rootlets, one originating from spinal accessory nerve and the other from a branch of the cervical plexus to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This case demonstrated a variant of the spinal accessory nerve plexus that contributed to the formation of the ansa cervicalis (Khaki AA et al. 2006). Banneheka (2008) observed two types of communications between the ansa cervicalis and vagus nerve: the first is a false (pseudo) communications where two nerves were connected only by connective tissue. The second is a true communications, in which the two nerves were connected by nerve fibers (Banneheka S 2008). Sirasanagandla SR et al. (2013) discovered, in addition to the usual loop, an extra loop was observed at a higher level, which was formed by one of the branches of C2 after joining the superior root (Sirasanagandla SR et al. 2013). Blythe et al. (2015) have described a previously unreported anatomical variant in wich the C1 branch of the superior root innervated the lower third of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (Blythe JN et al. 2015). Nayak et al. (2017) reported a rare variant of the superior root of the ansa cervicalis, which had a contribution from the vagus and hypoglossal nerves. The inferior root was formed by the C2 and C3 ventral rami, but it passed medial to the internal jugular vein before it joined the superior root to form the loop. (Nayak SB et al. 2017). Kikuta et al. (2019) reported an unusual contribution of the vagus nerve to the superior root of the ansa cervicalis. The superior root of the ansa cervicalis was formed by two distinct branches: one descending from the hypoglossal nerve (HN) and one arising from the vagus nerve (VN) at the level of C3 vertebra (Kikuta S et al. 2019). Sonne (2019) discovered a variant of ansa cervicalis in which the infrahyoid muscles (sternohyoid, sternothyroid omohyoid and thyrohyoid) were innervated by a presumptive superior root of ansa cervicalis traveling with vagus nerve (CN X) and not branching from hypoglossal nerve (CN XII). The omohyoid muscle, typically innervated by the inferior root of ansa cervicalis, is instead innervated by nerve fibers branching from the accessory nerve (CN XI). This formation created a non-looping variant of ansa cervicalis (Sonne JWH 2019). THE RARE VAGOCERVICAL PLEXUS Some variations lack the typical ansa cervical loop, forming the vagocervical plexus or vagocervical complex (Kikuta S et al. 2019). Rath and Anand (1994) explained an absence of the ansa cervicalis that was noticed in only one out of 200 cadavers and that only on the right side, where it was replaced by the vagocervical complex. This complex was formed by the vagus nerve with the C1 and C2 components from the cervical plexus, giving off a descending branch to supply the infrahyoid muscles of the neck (Rath G, Anand C 1994). Abu-Hijleh (2004) discovered an extremely rare bilateral absence of the ansa cervicalis. On both sides it was replaced by a vagocervical plexus formed by the vagus nerve and C1 and C2 ventral rami from the cervical plexus. A descending branch from this vagocervical plexus supplied the strap muscles of the neck (Abu-Hijleh MF 2004). HAVE A NICE JOB BIBLIOGRAPHY: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24298518 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6597134/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18507614 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12481482 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15794822 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9331315 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3365556 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25747248 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3088750 https://www.semanticscholar.org//7c5a196a10f0bcd8c2967f5f0 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28662922 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6773902/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7725203 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15900696 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16917823 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31028533

Fisiosinergia 23.11.2022

@brisscardenass después de un buen día de ejercicios!!! #fisiosinergiafs

Fisiosinergia 22.11.2022

Este fin de semana reanudamos a el 50% del segundo grupo de la CDMX , del Diplomado en Terapia Manual, con el módulo de tobillo-pie. Una de las medidas que ...implementamos fue el dividir a nuestros grupos de alumnos para disminuir el aforo en el aula Fi Espacio así como proveer de todo el material para garantizar la higiene y sanitización del equipo y área de trabajo. Agradecemos a nuestros alumnos por la confianza y su cooperación ante las medidas implementadas. "Juntos aprendiendo a ver a la fisioterapia de otra manera" See more

Fisiosinergia 22.11.2022

Próximo café con fascia

Fisiosinergia 22.11.2022

¿Sabías qué.. los movimientos intrínsecos de la laringe, como el reflejo de cierre glótico durante la deglución, se ven afectados; el propio edema ocasionado po...r mantener un cuerpo extraño en dicha zona (tubo translaríngeo) y la inexistencia de un estímulo correcto sobre los mecanorreceptores de la laringe e hipofaringe, hace que se reduzca la sensibilidad a la presencia de secreciones, alterándose el complejo mecanismo de la deglución? ¡Atiende a tus pacientes con alteraciones para deglutir con VitalStim! Si deseas más información, déjanos tus datos en este post

Fisiosinergia 22.11.2022

El mejor trabajo del mundo #fisioterapia #fisiosinergiafs

Fisiosinergia 22.11.2022

Si necesitas un espacio para tus capacitaciones

Fisiosinergia 22.11.2022

Equipo #fisiosinergiafs se encuentra capacitado para el retorno de sus actividades, cuidando la integridad y salud de nuestros pacientes

Fisiosinergia 21.11.2022

¡INSCRIBETE al nuevo grupo del Diplomado en Terapia Manual en Culiacán 2021! ¡No dejes pasar la oportunidad de pertenecer al mejor diplomado a nivel nacional! "...Aprende a ver la fisioterapia de otra manera" Para más información : [email protected] o al WhatsApp: 6672363977

Fisiosinergia 21.11.2022

Aparta tu lugar!! Próximos cursos de Terapia Manual en la Disfunción Temporo-mandíbula Informes: [email protected] Fi_formacion_continua Monserrat Colorado, Puebla Alejandro Dorantes, Querétaro... Aprobación por parte de los padres para mostrar evidencia fotográfica de la evolución del tratamiento

Fisiosinergia 20.11.2022

El aislamiento de la vía aérea mediante intubación translaríngea o traqueotomía puede dificultar e incluso interrumpir las funciones faríngeas y laríngeas de fo...nación y deglución; tras retirar el tubo translaríngeo o cánula de traqueotomía, dichas funciones no se recuperan de forma inmediata, observándose con frecuencia disfonía, disfagia y aspiraciones traqueobronquiales. VitalStim es tu aliado para tratar a pacientes con disfagia ya que es un equipo especializado para esta alteración. Conoce más t.ly/XgkE

Fisiosinergia 20.11.2022

Ejercicios dinámicos para TrA #fisioterapia (cuatro puntos sobre rollos) progresión @fisiosinergiafs

Fisiosinergia 20.11.2022

Las 3 fases de la deglución @fisiosinergiafs Anatomía funcional #masticación Tratamiento de oclusión y afecciones temporomandibulares

Fisiosinergia 20.11.2022

El equipo VitalStim está diseñado como una modalidad de tratamiento complementario, es decir, un terapeuta certificado aplicará al paciente la terapia con VitalStim al mismo tiempo que trabaja posiciones, maniobras y ejercicios, para reeducar el mecanismo de deglución. Para mayor información, búscanos en cualquiera de nuestras redes sociales @fisiosinergiafs, [email protected], 6675021039de lunes a viernes de 9:00 am a 07:00 pm.

Fisiosinergia 20.11.2022

#fisiosinergiafs todos los cuidados preventivos, para atender a nuestros pacientes!!

Fisiosinergia 20.11.2022

La Disfagia Post Extubación es el trastorno de deglución que se presenta en pacientes sobrevivientes a enfermedades críticas, después de la extubación. #fisiosinergiafs


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