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Fishing the Mexicoast 22.11.2022

2012 In Mexico is het de gewoonte om de bouwvakkers nu en dan een maaltijd aan te bieden. Onze "crew" bestond uit ongeveer 30 man en dus had zo een lunch wat voorbereiding nodig. Vis lustten ze allemaal dus het nuttige werd aan het plezierige gekoppeld : met kapitein Jesus trachten een lekkere maaltijd te vangen. En dat ging vlotjes, mijn enig probleem was de rechtshandige reel waardoor de dril soms wat stroef verliep.... https://casitablanquis.wordpress.com//10-years-mexico-par/

Fishing the Mexicoast 22.11.2022

Thanks Leticia & Arndt for the invitation and thanks Levi for releasing a beauty !

Fishing the Mexicoast 22.11.2022

You can't win them all !

Fishing the Mexicoast 21.11.2022

A filmmaker set out to document the harm that humanity is inflicting on marine life and uncovered alarming global corruption Seaspiracy is now on Netflix

Fishing the Mexicoast 20.11.2022

Happy with the action, still 9 to go and buddy Ruben can start painting

Fishing the Mexicoast 20.11.2022

Beachfishing around full moon wasn't good but the few hours we could go out with the kayak were not so bad. On the last trip it went wrong: a set of unexpected waves rolled into the bay just at a critical point. Result: I had to leave my tilted kayak behind to get out of the danger zone as quickly as possible. Thanks Arndt, without your help the adventure probably wouldn't have ended so well. The bay is full of huge rocks strewn with sharp oyster shells and if you get swung a...gainst them by a big wave you are guaranteed cut. All in all, the damage to me was not too bad, only a plastic box with lures went overboard and sank. My fishing rod was safely inside the storage compartment of my Ocean Kayak. Swimming without a life jacket in such a swirling body of water is also very difficult, luckily Arndt has been waiting for me and hanging from his kayak we got out of the danger zone in one piece. In fact, the danger was almost immediately gone, because once back on the beach the waves had disappeared. So I learned 1 big lesson: sailing out and returning will from now on always be done with the life jacket on and I don't risk myself anymore going out alone. You have to respect the sea, regardless of the predictions. So it all ended well. My kayak was brought in by a local diver the same morning. Except for some scratches in the hull, it looks fine and we will go back to it next week. No video images of the hectic moment, but of some beautiful fish. Enjoy the short movie ! https://youtu.be/10EkJ--BKy4 See more

Fishing the Mexicoast 20.11.2022

This morning following lure made my day : the ILLEX WATERMONITOR 8.5 Video follows


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