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Fishin Mission Adventures 23.11.2022

Oh if we were ever more aware of the world we live in!

Fishin Mission Adventures 20.11.2022

Shared by Nathan Cassady And they grow up to follow this page :P

Fishin Mission Adventures 20.11.2022

It Is Possible! 1) It is Possible to be a committed, mission minded Christian who understands that Faith is not about believing that everything will turn out o...kay, but rather faith is about knowing that no matter how things turn out, ultimately it will be made perfectly right by a perfectly just God, It is possible to have this conviction but still, to be grieved by the great spiritual deception of our day, especially in Christian brothers and sisters. 2) It is possible for the Christian to have their spiritual eyes open, and to recognize that the great unrest we see in the physical realm is clearly a reflection of the spiritual battle being fought over our nation in the spiritual realm. It is possible to be fully engaged in this battle through fervent prayer and action when possible, desiring greatly for righteousness to prevail, for ungodly deception to be revealed, and most of all for the Gospel of Salvation to be boldly proclaimed, heard and received. It is also possible to have the courage to speak into the important matters of our day that affect many with common sense and informed perspective. 3) It is possible to understand that there is a serious virus among us that has been and can continue to be deadly to many older people and others with serious health conditions, BUT, at the same time to be very concerned about government overreach infringing on constitutional rights and the increasingly obvious political motivations in dealing with it. 4) It is possible to stay informed concerning the number of infections and deaths attributed to this virus, currently world wide about 815K with 175K in the US. That is about 3 times the number of deaths in a heavy flu season, BUT, not to agree that the shutting down of an entire economy, the quarantining of well people in their own homes, and several other measures that seem draconian to many have been an appropriate and measured response to the threat. Again I say a Measured Response, especially when the actual numbers of deaths attributed to the virus have been greatly disputed by many physicians. Many have stated that they have been pressured to list COVID as the cause of death to all who have died with the virus but in their medical opinion not from the virus. These include many with advanced cardiovascular disease, cancers, and even cases of those dying from injuries sustained in automobile accidents who also happened to test positive for the virus. So, it is possible that the actual number of deaths resulting from this virus might just be substantially less than the numbers listed above. 5) It is possible to do just a little personal research on the information that is readily available to all of us, comparing the severity of the current virus with several of the more recent pandemics in our history, and wonder just why such extreme measures have been put in place now but not in the past. As an example, during the H3N2 pandemic of 1968. the estimated number of deaths was 1 million worldwide and about 100,000 in the United States. Most deaths were in people 65 years and older at that time as well. This was also the year of Woodstock Although I was only 13 years old at the time, I can remember no mention of a pandemic, nor can any other of my older acquaintances whom I have asked. Just for a matter of perspective, during the 1918 pandemic the number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States. The world population at that time was well under 2 billion. The current world population is approaching 8 billion. A comparative percentage would be around 200 million deaths. Again, just for perspective. 6) It is possible to consider that almost every state governed by one particular political party, regardless of the number of infections or deaths have instituted much stricter and what many consider more oppressive mandates than those governed by the other political party. It is possible to consider that maybe, just maybe there are those endeavoring to use this tragic pandemic to inflict unnecessary pain and cause a desperate desire for any kind of change on the nation’s voters in order to gain a political upper hand in the upcoming elections. Again it is very possible to consider these things without being a conspiracy theory nut. Just an awake political observer. Yes, it is possible that after years of unrelenting Russia investigations that proved to be baseless, followed by an impeachment that was doomed to fail to convict from the onset but provided weeks of political hay at millions of dollars of expense to American taxpayers, to a terrible politicization of a serious pandemic, followed immediately by a country in turmoil over the tragic death of one man, with lawlessness not only being tolerated, but often excused and even justified by that same political party, it is possible that political gain has become far more important to those who desire to take control than the well being of those they represent. 7) It is possible that those like myself having black, white, Asian and Hispanic friends and relatives would do anything in our God given power to stand with them and protect them from racial injustices and inequities while NOT supporting the BLM organization or the KKK organization for the Exact same reasons. It is possible that anyone doing even a rudimentary investigation of either of these organizations mission and purpose statements would find them both to be far from purposes and priorities given to the followers of Christ. The spiritual fruit of both has been rancid and poison period. 8) And last, it is possible, actually probable, that some reading this post would much rather that I and those like me would refrain from speaking into the political matters of our day at all. Actually, I am not overly concerned with many of the political matters of our day, but I am deeply concerned about the moral matters. On a local level we can debate about how to best deal with increased traffic in our towns or cities, or how to best deal with the growing need for a larger water treatment plant or what property should or should not be annexed into our cities, or any number of other practical political issues. But, if we are talking about whether or not we have gender neutral bathrooms in our schools and public buildings, whether or not men identifying as women can walk into a bathroom after our 10 year old daughters have entered, whether or not a 12 year old girl cannot be given an aspirin without parental consent but can be taken out of school to have an abortion without parental knowledge, well we have moved out of the political arena into the moral where I firmly believe that Christians not only have a right but a serious moral obligation to speak into these things and to act when available and appropriate. . On the state and national level there are many areas where I firmly believe that we Christians need to step up as well but the two greatest priorities are the right of the unborn not to be killed in the womb, and the promotion and glorification of deviant sexual lifestyles that have and continue to lead our children and youth to destruction. Does that mean that our first and greatest priority is not to share the gospel of salvation whenever and wherever we can? Of course not, that is always our first and greatest privilege and priority this side of eternity. But the scriptures make clear that all men do not have faith (2 Thess 3:2) and many will resist the gospel of their salvation. So we ever endeavor to speak the truth of the good news in love, but we also speak into the practical and moral matters of our day as we have opportunity. The Lord has given us all a sphere of influence. Some much greater than others, yet He requires all of us both to speak into that sphere, and to act in accordance with His will as we understand it. We will all stand before Him one day and give an account of what we have done or failed to do when we had opportunity. That my brothers and sisters is a sobering thought. So I will leave you with another sobering quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident. His writings on Christianity's role in the secular world have influenced me deeply and I hope will speak to you as well. Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.


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Ubicación: Avenida México Sur 63177 Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico

Web: www.fishinmissionadventures.com

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