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Evisoft 22.11.2022

Android app bundle vs APKs When building Android Apps, you will be seeing two main output formats AABs and APKs, which will be composed of DEX files. What do they mean? http://www.evanamargain.com//a/android-app-bundle-vs-apks/

Evisoft 21.11.2022

Gradle has been the official Android build tool for quite some time now. It was introduced alongside with Android Studio. Before Android Gradle plugin, Android apps were built in Eclipse with ANT, another build tool. But even though, it's one of our basic everyday tools as Android developers, sometimes we don't know what is behind it. Let's learn what is behind this powerful tool. [ 889 more words ] http://www.evanamargain.com//what-is-android-gradle-plugin/

Evisoft 21.11.2022

Among the wide range of tools that were released with Android Jetpack in Android Architecture Components, LiveData, and ViewModel are particularly useful. I'm creating this tutorial in response to Ashton Jones, who expressed there are very few examples for integrating these Architecture Components with Google Firestore. In this tutorial you will learn how all these elements interact, creating a fully functional app with a backend (FireStore) and a frontend (Android app) based on Google technologies. [ 1,764 more word ] http://www.evanamargain.com//android-livedata-and-viewmod/

Evisoft 21.11.2022

How can we implement Accessibility in Android? As part of Material Design Guidelines, Android added help for developers and designers to improve accessibility in Android apps. The topic of accessibility has become very important in web apps, this because indexing in search engines is improved when apps follow accessibility best practices. As this has not been enforced in mobile applications so much, we often forget it is key for inclusion and user experience. [ 1,075 more word ] http://www.evanamargain.com//accessibility-in-android-wit/

Evisoft 20.11.2022

Kotlin Annotation Processing Tool. What is it? When to use it? Let's learn about this Android tool. It has been three years since Kotlin was introduced to the Android world. Like many other programming languages, annotations are a needed and powerful tool, but surprisingly Kotlin was not compatible with Java's Annotation Processing Tools. So let's dive into what is KAPT for Android. [ 573 more words ] http://www.evanamargain.com//a-look-into-kotlin-kapt-for-/

Evisoft 20.11.2022

In a previous post, we discussed how to create an Android app with two of the most important building blocks of Android Architecture Components: LiveData and ViewModel. This is a follow up on that tutorial, once we have an app with clean architecture, we will be configuring Firebase Firestore for Android Architecture Components to update data in real-time and make the most out of LiveData and ViewModel in Android. [ 1,588 more word ] http://www.evanamargain.com//firebase-firestore-for-andro/


Web: evisoft.mx

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