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Centro de Equinoterapia Angeles Guardianes 22.11.2022

El Sendero del Caballo Espíritu libre Podrás engañarte a ti mismo, creerte tus propias mentiras. Podrás convencer a otros... pero un caballo sabe quien ...eres, podrás manipularlo pero no engañarlo, si lo miras de frente, su mirada es tan profunda que derribará los muros que levantaste de tu propia esencia y mostrarte lo qué hay en tu corazón, ese es su Don, su regalo, la Medicina del Caballo que despierta la sensibilidad de los sentidos, será decisión personal aceptar o no, mantener esa Sintonía de Liberación que el Alma anhela y seguir los principios y valores que engrandecen al Espíritu en cada paso que damos por este Sendero llamado Vida. Y aunque no es fácil, al final del camino lo es todo. Espíritu Equino Foto: Caballo Perry Semental del Rancho El Puerto

Centro de Equinoterapia Angeles Guardianes 22.11.2022

Este vídeo te enseña un poco sobre la discapacidad.

Centro de Equinoterapia Angeles Guardianes 21.11.2022

Relajados y apartados del ruido cotidiano. Como se dice, cargando las pilas. Sí desde el Centro de Equinoterapia Ángeles Guardianes A.C., reciban salutaciones s...inceras. Aquí se atienden a personas con discapacidades. Un proyecto humanitario de la Familia Ruiz Anchondo. "Praise the Lord " Lic. Wilfrido Ruiz Sainz Doctor Honoris Causa por el Colegio de Abogados de Tijuana A.C. Asesor Legal See more

Centro de Equinoterapia Angeles Guardianes 21.11.2022


Centro de Equinoterapia Angeles Guardianes 21.11.2022

Recent studies conducted by the Institute of HeartMath provide a clue to explain the bidirectional "healing" that happens when we are near horses. According to ...researchers, the heart has a larger electromagnetic field and higher level of intelligence than the brain: A magnetometer can measure the heart's energy field radiating up to 8 to 10 feet around the human body. While this is certainly significant it is perhaps more impressive that the electromagnetic field projected by the horse's heart is five times larger than the human one (imagine a sphere-shaped field that completely surrounds you). The horse's electromagnetic field is also stronger than ours and can actually directly influence our own heart rhythm! Horses are also likely to have what science has identified as a "coherent" heart rhythm (heart rate pattern) which explains why we may "feel better" when we are around them. . . .studies have found that a coherent heart pattern or HRV is a robust measure of well-being and consistent with emotional states of calm and joy--that is, we exhibit such patterns when we feel positive emotions. A coherent heart pattern is indicative of a system that can recover and adjust to stressful situations very efficiently. Often times, we only need to be in a horses presence to feel a sense of wellness and peace. In fact, research shows that people experience many physiological benefits while interacting with horses, including lowered blood pressure and heart rate, increased levels of beta-endorphins (neurotransmitters that serve as pain surppressors), decreased stress levels, reduced feelings of anger, hostility, tension and anxiety, improved social functioning; and increased feelings of empowerment, trust, patience and self-efficacy." See more

Centro de Equinoterapia Angeles Guardianes 20.11.2022

Es él mas bello .. Diferentes pero iguales

Centro de Equinoterapia Angeles Guardianes 20.11.2022

El Centro de Equinoterapia Ángeles Guardianes, A.C., dedicado exclusivamente para brindar equinoterapias a personas con discapacidades y/o Patologías, recibió n...uevamente apoyo económico de la presente Administración, que encabeza el Presidente Municipal Lic. Juan Manuel Gastelum. Nuestra gratitud al Alcalde por su interés en apoyar a las ONG'S, que ciertamente ha sido constante. Saludos W See more


Localidad: Tijuana, Baja California

Ubicación: Carr. Libre Tijuana-Rosarito entre la entrada a Santa Fe y Bebo Stone Vivero. Pórticos de San Antonio 22666 Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

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