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Englishture 23.11.2022

Los invitamos a participar en un estudio de lenguaje en el cual está colaborando una de nuestras profesoras. ¡Anímense!

Englishture 23.11.2022

"Maybe being sad helps us appreciate the real sweetness of life. Don’t judge yourself for feeling down. Take time to be sad, and then get back to the sweetness." IMPORTANT: We are not experts in the subject

Englishture 22.11.2022

Some people are like butterflies. They can't see how truly beautiful they are.

Englishture 22.11.2022

Do you meditate? #wellbeing #Mentalhealth

Englishture 22.11.2022

How are you feeling today? #feeling ... #mentalhealth See more

Englishture 22.11.2022

We know that meditating to focus or relax can be seen as a bit cliche but remember don't knock it until you try it! Try them all until you find the one you like the best. #meditationmonday #readinenglish #practiceenglish

Englishture 21.11.2022

Por si alguna vez te habías preguntado cómo decir "comportamiento" en inglés. ;) #Mental #Health #Vocabulary

Englishture 21.11.2022

Daily reminder: Please, take some time to take care of yourself. #mentalhealth #englishvocabularyinuse #aprenderingles

Englishture 20.11.2022

You are the most important person in your life. #selfcare


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