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Jsinovasolutions 23.11.2022

www.jsinovasolutions.com Emprende, Es el mejor Riego en la Vida. Nosotros te ayudamos a Contruir una Marca de valor, combinado con un Sistema de Ventas. #marketingdigital #marketingdecontenidos https://www.instagram.com/p/CLhrdBBpox8/?igshid=z3o5jqrreuwf

Jsinovasolutions 22.11.2022

Se remplaza las Vías del tren con Infraestructura tecnológica Impresionante Visita Nuestra página. www.jsinovasolutions.Com

Jsinovasolutions 21.11.2022

Kenyan runner Abel Mutai was only a few meters from the finish line, but got confused with the signs and stopped, thinking he had finished the race. BA Spanish man, Ivan Fernandez, was right behind him and, realizing what was going on, started shouting to the Kenyan to keep running. Mutai did not know Spanish and did not understand. Realizing what was going on, Fernandez pushed Mutai to victory. A reporter asked Ivan, "Why did you do this?" Ivan replied, "My dream is that one... day we can have some sort of community life where we push ourselves and also others to win." The reporter insisted "But why did you let the Kenyan win?" Ivan replied, "I didn't let him win, he was going to win. The race was his." The reporter insisted and asked again, "But you could have won!" Ivan looked at him and replied: "But what would be the merit of my victory? What would be the honor of this medal? What would my Mother think of it?" The values are transmitted from generation to generation. What values do we teach our children and how much do you inspire others to earn? Most of us take advantage of people's weaknesses instead of helping to strengthen them. IN THIS NEW YEAR, I WANT EVERYONE OF US TO WIN; LET'S PUSH ONE ANOTHER TO THE FINISHING LINE. WE ALL DESERVE VICTORY. www.jsinovasolutions.Com https://www.instagram.com/p/CLqmmiKp0x2/?igshid=3k5dlz7u640p #marketingdigital #marketingonline

Jsinovasolutions 21.11.2022

Cree en tu Emprendimiento Cree en tus ideas Arriesgate aunque comienzas aprendiendo a tener Éxito. Llamanos y te ayudaremos a Creer en tu Proyecto. www.jsinovasolutions.Com


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Web: www.jsinovasolutions.com/

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