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El Paraiso del Jaguar 22.11.2022

Jazmin blanco.!!

El Paraiso del Jaguar 22.11.2022

El aceite de Mandarina se salio de una botella. Toda la casa tiene olor a Mandarinas. La pared se aceitó. !!!!

El Paraiso del Jaguar 21.11.2022

Maravilla de alimento. Mantequilla de árbol. !!

El Paraiso del Jaguar 21.11.2022

Ejemplo.!!!!!! Educacion. !!! Leyes Ecologicas.!!!! Orden.

El Paraiso del Jaguar 21.11.2022

"The Emergence" has begun. The prophecy says, 'Let the dawn come. Let all the people and all the creatures have peace, let all things live happily, for love mus...t not only be between humans, but between all living things. They said, 'WE are the Children of the Sun, and WE Are... Awakening as ONE." "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." ~ Henry Ford "War, competition, hunger, and debt based living belong to the old earth. It will be non-existent on the New Earth. The whole world is going to be united as ONE, after this WE are going for the Universe." ~ Kim Marcussen

El Paraiso del Jaguar 21.11.2022

This New Technology Lets You Grow Trees In Harsh Environments

El Paraiso del Jaguar 20.11.2022

Nuestra fauna está llena de sorpresas.

El Paraiso del Jaguar 20.11.2022

Espiritu. Origenes. Bases muy solidas para ser.

El Paraiso del Jaguar 20.11.2022

City-Árboles. .... De musgos. Y hierbas.


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