Etiquetas / Categorías / Temas

ELC 23.11.2022

Our hearts fulfill of joy! Gracias familia por darnos estos comentarios que nos llenan el corazón. Blessings

ELC 23.11.2022

Practise, practise and practise.

ELC 22.11.2022

We never stop learning!

ELC 20.11.2022

I have been awarded with this badge, as a recognition for being a teacher who has shown interest in her continuous professional development as English teacher. And this badge also recognises our Centre to be a high level one for teaching English and prepare candidates for Cambridge certifications.

ELC 20.11.2022

Learning is an obligation, teaching is a pleasure!

ELC 20.11.2022

Mistakes give us the opportunity to learn.


Ubicación: Papagayo 5, Bulevares del Lago 54473 Villa Nicolás Romero, State of Mexico, Mexico

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