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Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 23.11.2022

El documental Sirenas Contra el Plástico, filmado en los Parques Nacionales de Quintana Roo con una beca de National Geographic se encuentra en la selección oficial y con nominaciones a premio de varios festivales internacionales de cine (Indy Shorts, SHORTS México, Jackson Wild, Fic Monterrey). Les comparto el link del Ficmonterrey que muestra de forma virtual el trabajo de la directora Sylvia Johnson, cineastas Alex Levin / Valentina Cucchiara y con imágenes adicionales de Armando Gasse, documentando la contaminación por plástico en el Caribe Mexicano y el papel de la industria del buceo en reducir el problema. Disponible en línea hasta el 20 de Agosto. Gracias por compartir.

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 23.11.2022

Join Frida Lara PhD this Thursday 25th and learn about some amazing sharks and rays research and conservation projects in Mexico. Tank-Ha Dive Center

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 23.11.2022

Hi, all We have a favor and a quarantine activity for you, all in one! Our amazing volunteers are now gathering data from the entire Mesoamerican Reef System (MAR). We’re trying to understand spotted eagle ray aggregations, their movements through the MAR, and their connectivity with the other MAR populations. The project started in Mexico and now it has expanded to Honduras, Belize, and Guatemala.... Spotted eagle rays are important ecologically, economically from a tourism standpoint, and as a fishing resource in the Caribbean. They are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN red list, but there is so little information on their populations that it is hard to help them with conservation and management efforts. We do our research with a method called photo ID, where we use pictures/videos of spotted eagle rays from the MAR and identify individuals based on their spot patterns. Each eagle ray has a unique pattern of markings on their fins, kind of like our fingerprints. By collecting pictures over many years and different locations, we can track individuals and understand them better as a species. That is where you come in we’d love to include your photos in our database. As we all wait to be diving again, maybe you can relive those old dives by looking for some eagle ray pictures If you have - ANY photos of spotted eagle rays from Mexico, Belize, Honduras, or Guatemala - you know the date and location (i.e. what dive site it was taken at) - and you can see their pectoral and pelvic fins, like the images below please share them with us! You’d be helping us, and the next generation of ocean lovers that want to see eagle rays thriving in their natural habitat. We need high quality data, so you can share photos/videos via Dropbox, Google Drive, or Wetransfer to the email [email protected] OR via this link https://bit.ly/2WA93Lk Thank you so much in advance, and we can’t wait to see your pictures! Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 23.11.2022

Puerto Morelos

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 22.11.2022

Cantémos con el profesor raya! (Nota: la raya del video es una raya del Pacífico y es distinta a la especie que tenemos en el Caribe Mexicano.)

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 22.11.2022

Hola! There’s a free shark science virtual event happening next week, hosted by David Whysharksmatter Shiffman Every evening there will be two speakers talking about all kinds of shark science topics. And it’ll all be archived so you can watch it whenever you want, or share with others. But if you watch live you can ask questions of the speakers! Everything will be broadcast through the MISS Elasmo YouTube channel which you can find here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkHV_wyfBQuXPNPlGjD1vqg

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 22.11.2022

Don't forget to register!!! If you're presenting at the OCS Virtual Conference in November, make sure you check your inbox and register! Just want to listen in?... Members of the society will be given the opportunity to listen to talks during the conference. We have a range of memberships available, including Student memberships and a Developing country membership for $20 a year. If you're interested in becoming a member, go and check out our website oceaniasharks.org.au/join-or-renew

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 21.11.2022

Foraging time in Mahahual

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 21.11.2022

Cozumel rays looking for a snack!

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 21.11.2022

Name that species! Hint: check out that large first dorsal and broad pectoral fins... They are coastal-pelagic species that inhabit temperate and tropical water...s, broad geographical range, they undertake seasonal migrations, moving north along the east coast of the US in the summer but our survey shows they are still prominent off the coast of Florida for most of the summer. They're categorized as Vulnerable in the IUCN's Redlist. @iucnsossaveourspecies #namethatshark #sharks #pelagic #species #biology #knowledge #learn Take a guess in the comments See more

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 21.11.2022

Check out this episode of Women in STEM by Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium and the Chicago Zoological Society. Our project coordinator Ximena, talks about the eagle ray project and how we use photo ID to investigate movement patterns and the population od SER's. Thanks Krystan and Ross for the invite! ... https://youtu.be/cUycQEep6L8

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 20.11.2022

Enjoy this amazing images from a Spotted eagle ray! Thanks to Sebastian Enault & Camille Auclair (www.kraniata.com; Kraniata) https://shark-references.com/species/view/Aetobatus-narinari

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 20.11.2022

Descubre los increíbles tiburones de Cabo Pulmo (^^^)(^^^) ----- Discover the amazing sharks of Carbo Pulmo.(^^^)(^^^)

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 20.11.2022

Watch the Explorers ‘SEA How to Draw’ classes, where you can follow some of our favourite cartoonists create fun characters, marine animals, research vessels, surfers, divers and lots more online. Dibujando mar!

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 20.11.2022

Shark science virtual event happening next week, hosted by yours truly. Everything will be broadcast through the MISS Elasmo YouTube channel which you can find here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkHV_wyfBQuXPNPlGjD1vqg

Eagle Ray Project- Mexican Caribbean 20.11.2022

Searching for a snack! What delicious treat would this SER find? Maybe a delicious clam? Buscando un bocadillo! Qué encontrá esta linda raya?... Tal vez una deliciosa almeja? See more


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