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Dr. Francisco Contreras 23.11.2022

Como principales recomendaciones para antes de su cirugía, se debe dejar de fumar cigarro debido a que afecta a la cicatrización y función respiratoria que por la obesidad ya se encuentra afectada. Además es recomendable consumir probióticos, ya que ayudan a mantener o mejorar las microbiotas (bacterias buenas) del organismo. Llame al Dr. Contreras para su cirugía bariátrica. 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724.... www.drfranciscocontreras.net One of the main recommendations before your surgery is that you should stop smoking cigarettes since it affects wound healing and respiratory function that is already affected by obesity. It is also recommended you start consuming probiotics since they help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora, which is important prior to your bariatric surgery. Call Dr. Contreras for your bariatric surgery. 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724. www.drfranciscocontreras.net

Dr. Francisco Contreras 23.11.2022

Por instrucciones del CBP y el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (Homeland Security) a partir del primero de Octubre, es necesario llevar tu pasaporte para poder reingresar a los Estados Unidos. Al venir a tu cita con el Dr. Contreras, no olvides llevar contigo tu pasaporte si realizas tu viaje desde los Estados Unidos. Tu cita con el Dr. Contreras te espera. 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724.... www.drfranciscocontreras.net See more

Dr. Francisco Contreras 23.11.2022

Todo tiene su razón de ser... Cada momento de tú vida, así de simple pasa por algo, por más tonto que se lea. uchos de las situaciones que vivimos no las en...tendemos, pareciera que solo existieramos; pero está el sin sentido de ese momento que no podemos descifrar, y solo nos preguntamos cuando es negativa... ¿porque a mi Unas experiencias lastiman otras nos sorprenden y dan gozo y dejan huella (¿apuesto a que acabas de sonreír al recordar algo); pero tenemos una tendencia a siempre recordar lo negativo y engancharnos en ello... orque no entender mejor que ese evento o persona vino y cumplió su propósito en ese preciso momento de tú vida, o en ese capítulo del libro de tú vida... pasa página y sigue viviendo, y haciendo que valga la pena tú historia. Y agradece, en serio agradece. Que si vuelves a encontrar a esa persona, agradece, sonríe en tú interior, te dejó algo, sea como sea, o es... bendición Seguirás caminando en tú vida y en este mundo tan pequeño, que a la vuelta de la esquina encontrarás esas personas que dejaron una bendición en tú vida, puede que en ese momento sonrías, tengas nervios y no saber que hacer, quedarte callado, te vuelva el dolor, alegría o nostalgia, te sea incomodo, o simplemente no sientas nada... pero hay algo que no podemos evitar... lo divino solo toca lo divino, y es allí que te das cuenta que su alma rozó la tuya. sí es que si algo debes hacer, ¡hazloerdona, olvida, marca tus límites, ama, o repite con una nueva versión el roce del alma. Nunca digas adios... porque los caminos se cruzan. lo que voy es que si cargas con algo que su peso no te permite vivir ligero, toma la decisión de soltar o ve y arréglalo, ¿crees que tienes el tiempo Porque el que existe, es solo un abrir y cerrar de ojos. No puedes pasarte la vida jorobado del alma con pesar, quita tú orgullo, tú ego... y si sabes que debes hacerlo ve y contenta tú alma. Tú esencia siempre es la misma, siempre estará intacta, lo que modificas son tus conductas para poder estar en paz. Y la esencia aunque no te la creas y no se las creas a los demás, es amar.Para que cada quien pueda seguir caminando en paz, debe crear su paz... y eso solo se hace a conciencia. Todo en la naturaleza tiene su razón de ser... ¿sabes cuál es tú razón de ser Créeme, Dios no se ha equivocado precisamente contigo, ¡no Como en cada momento que sabes que cambió ese instante en tú vida, ahora hazlo, cierra tus ojos o mira al cielo y pregunta l Que Todo Lo uede... ¿Cual es tú razón de ser No solo existas, vive y has que valga Dr. Francisco Contreras Cirugía mínima invasión, gastrointestinal, bariátrica y metabólica. www.drfranciscocontreras.net Edificio Médica Norte. Calle Germán Gedovius #9506-105, 1er. Piso. Zona Río. Tijuana, B.C. México. 664-976-8342. Consultorio. 619-981-9724. USA/Canadá. 664-585-5306. Cell/WhatsApp.

Dr. Francisco Contreras 23.11.2022

¿No puedes dejar de revisar tu celular antes de dormir? Puede causar más daño del que crees, hasta puede influir en tu peso. La exposición a la luz azul de dispositivos electrónicos, hace que se suprima la melatonina en el cerebro cuando dormimos. Esto aumenta el riesgo de obesidad, diabetes y problemas coronarios. ¿Quieres combatir tu obesidad?... Llama al Dr. Contreras. 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724. www.drfranciscocontreras.net Can't stop checking your cell phone before bed? It can cause more damage than you think, it can even affect your weight. Exposure to blue light from electronic devices causes melatonin to be suppressed in the brain when we sleep. This increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and coronary problems. Do you want to fight your obesity? Call Dr. Contreras. 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724. www.drfranciscocontreras.net

Dr. Francisco Contreras 22.11.2022

Surgery is not an easy decision, I am one to know. That is why I, as a bariatric surgeon, feel deeply honored to be able to gain the trust of many patients around the world. Our patient's success is the result of honesty, discipline and love for the experience of helping people. ... With nearly 20,000 likes on our Facebook page and endless bariatric surgery experiences, the opportunity my patients give me to fulfill their expectations could not fill me with more joy. I am Dr. Francisco Contreras, message me for your bariatric surgery.

Dr. Francisco Contreras 22.11.2022

By CBP and the Department of Homeland Security orders , starting October 1st, you will need your passport to re-enter the United States. If you are visiting Dr. Contreras from the U.S., don't forget to bring your passport with you. Your appointment with Dr. Contreras awaits. 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724.... www.drfranciscocontreras.net See more

Dr. Francisco Contreras 22.11.2022

Antes de tu cirugía bariátrica, es muy importante seguir las indicaciones que el Dr. Contreras para asegurar un mejor resultado en su cirugía al igual que mejorar de manera general su salud para el día de su cirugía. ¿Tiene más preguntas sobre la cirugía? ¡Llámanos! 664-585-5306. Cell/WhatsApp. 619-981-9724.... www.drfranciscocontreras.net Before your bariatric surgery, it is very important to follow the instructions given by Dr. Contreras to ensure a better outcome in your surgery as well as improve your overall health for the day of your surgery. Have more questions about surgery? Call us! 664-585-5306. Cell/WhatsApp. 619-981-9724. www.drfranciscocontreras.net

Dr. Francisco Contreras 22.11.2022

Algunas recomendaciones preoperatorias empiezan hasta 6 semanas antes de la cirugía y algunas indicaciones empiezan 30 días antes de la cirugía. La dieta preoperatoria específica será necesaria 1 semana antes de tu cirugía y será guiada por el Dr. Contreras para asegurar una cirugía exitosa. ¡Es tu turno de combatir la obesidad, llámanos! 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724.... www.drfranciscocontreras.net Some preoperative recommendations start up to 6 weeks before surgery and some indications start 30 days before surgery. The specific preoperative diet will be necessary 1 week before your surgery and will be guided by Dr. Contreras to ensure a successful surgery. It's your turn to fight obesity, call us! 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724. www.drfranciscocontreras.net

Dr. Francisco Contreras 22.11.2022

ntes de morir... ¡Vive...! Siempre esperamos, porque vengan cosas mejores a nuestra vida, y es válido, pero muchas veces no nos damos cuenta que lo que ...tenemos enfrente es valioso, que por añorar el futuro perdemos el presente. Siempre esperamos para que sean los tiempos perfectos según nosotros, el momento adecuado para expresarnos o actuar en lo que sentimos, y de tanto esperar se nos termina la vida. sí es que ACCIONA y hazlo... ¡vive! ya en la vida siempre tienes de respuesta un ¡NO! Por lo tanto siempre debes intentarlo... tienes más que ganar. Nos la pasamos con sueños irreales, cuando tienes milagros en tú presente y no te das cuenta. sí es que deja de quejarte, deja de vivir de ilusiones falsas. Te invito que un día de estos, puede ser hoy por ejemplo y quédate quieto, así, pero no digo de no moverte sino... de dejar de hablar de los demás dejar de comentar, dejar de argumentar y cuestionar por todo sin fundamentos, deja de quejarte, deja de llorar por todo. ejor escucha... quédate quieto en la vida y valora que tienes frente a ti. No dudes, ten fe, estate seguro, y no tomes segundas opiniones cuando pones a Dios a que te dé respuestas. Recuerda que hagas lo que hagas, Dios está en control, así acudas a 2das. piniones, regresarás a Dios, cuando lo demás no funcione. Dios te da esperanza. Valora hasta ahorita todo lo que tienes: ya no eres quien eras y vas evolucionando, y si haces una evaluación cada año eres mejor y puedes ser mejor. Has tenido golpes fuertes y ve... sigues de pie, has pasado ¿cuantos golpes? Y sigues. Siempre ten metas y ve por cada una de ellas, pero no te sientas mal si una de ellas no se cumplen, acepta que no era así, ve por la siguiente. Ten fe en lo que sueñas (mientras sean reales) y permite que crezca tu confianza. Valora a todos aquellos que te apoyan y más a quienes son tú círculo íntimo, recuerda que siempre hay alguien a quien si le importas, pero también hazles saber que valen para ti. ¿Sabes? Que a Dios le das más de un 1,000,000 de razones para que no te ame, pero ninguna de ellas cambia su pensar y sentir por ti. Nunca estás solo, te sientes así, porque quieres, está tan solo en un cerrar de ojos y hablarle... Vive, no solo existas, y has que valga tú vida sí es que antes de morir... ¡Vive! Dr. Francisco Contreras. Cirugía mínima invasión, gastrointestinal, bariátrica y metabólica. Edificio Médica Norte. Calle Germán Gedovius #9506-105, 1er. Piso, Zona Río. Tijuana, B.C. México. www.drfranciscocontreras.net 664-976-8342. Consultorio. 619-981-9724. USA/Canadá. 664-585-5306. Cell/WhatsApp.

Dr. Francisco Contreras 21.11.2022

Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), el sedentarismo es el cuarto factor de riesgo de mortalidad más importante en todo el mundo. Mantengase activo, encuentre una actividad física que disfrute pero sobre todo, hágalo por su salud. No sufra más de obesidad con el Dr. Contreras, llámenos 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724.... www.drfranciscocontreras.net According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a sedentary lifestyle is the fourth most important risk factor for mortality worldwide. Be active, find a physical activity that you enjoy, but most of all, do it for your health. Don't suffer from obesity anymore with Dr. Contreras, call us 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724. www.drfranciscocontreras.net

Dr. Francisco Contreras 20.11.2022

We are on our way home! Just made it to the airport. I feel really really good! Still bloated of course but no real pain to speak of. Here is how our experien...ce went: 1. Monday we flew in from DFW to SanDiego. No issues on the flight, we met our driver right away, had text messages waiting for us when we landed and we found him right away. Took about 20 minutes to get to the hospital. 2. Once we arrived at the hospital, our temperature was checked and was sat in lobby to fill out all of our paperwork. While we were doing this, an x-ray tech came and took us one at a time & did our preop chest x-ray. 3. After paperwork competed, we went to little billing office to pay the remainder of our balance and then Paula took us up to our rooms. She is as sweet as can be. 4. Once we got in our room, we were changed into a gown to get an EKG done & then they drew blood work. 5. After all that was done, we just hung out watching Netflix and then the hospital doctor came by, a cardiologist, and our surgeon Dr Contreras (pictured below). 6. Surgery Tuesday morning! Jeff went first, I went second, and we both did fine without any complications. The gas pain was moderate for me, not awful, and walking did help. Our doctor rounded on us twice a day and the hospital doctors also checked in on us several times while we were there. Again, everyone was SO nice and very competent. 7. Wednesday morning, leak test. Took less than 5 minutes to do. The contrast drink wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Our surgeon was down there while it happened and gave us results right away and we were cleared to resume clear liquids. 8. Post op pain for both of us really was from the drain, and even that was minimal. We tolerated the liquids fine that day. 9. This morning our surgeon came by early this morning to pull our drains. They took out our IVs and provided us with all of our records. He gave step by step instructions on post op care, we have his cell is we need him for questions, and he is accessible on Facebook as well. I could not have been more pleased with our care! Our driver got us to the airport early so we do have a little more than an hour to wait, but I am perfectly fine with that and zero difficulty walking around. We are sipping on some water and a little apple juice. So happy, relieved it all went so well, and just thrilled with the care we received there. ALSO wanted to add one more thing. We were originally supposed to have surgery with Dr Gonzales however he wasn’t able to do our procedure that day, we were told Dr Francisco Contreras would be able to do our surgery instead. I was nervous about this because I didn’t know of him. But he was AWESOME! I prayed about this and read other reviews and then reached out to him on Facebook. He was so open and reassuring to me. He is also a Christian and told me he would be praying too. It truly was a perfect fit for us.

Dr. Francisco Contreras 20.11.2022

GRACIAS DOCTOR Francisco Contreras

Dr. Francisco Contreras 20.11.2022

Es un hecho, si sufres de obesidad, tu esperanza de vida se acorta. La vida no está hecha para sufrir por enfermedades, sobre todo si se pueden tratar y evitar. El Dr. Contreras le dirá cuál es la mejor opción de cirugía bariátrica para usted , vea resultados ya. 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724.... www.drfranciscocontreras.net It's a fact, if you suffer from obesity, your life expectancy is shortened. Life is not made for suffering from diseases, especially if they can be treated and avoided. Dr. Contreras will tell you which is the best bariatric surgery option for you, see results now. 664-585-5306. 619-981-9724. www.drfranciscocontreras.net

Dr. Francisco Contreras 20.11.2022

Everything has its reason for being... Every moment of your life, as simple it goes is for something, no matter how silly it is read. We do not understand man...y of the situations we live in, it seems that we only exist; but there is the nonsense of that moment that we cannot decipher, and we only wonder when it is negative ... why to me Some experiences hurt, others surprise us and give us joy and leave a mark (I bet you just smiled when you remember something); but we have a tendency to always remember the negative and get hooked on it ... Why not understand better that that event or person came and fulfilled its purpose at that precise moment in your life, or in that chapter of the book of your life ... turn the page and continue living, and making your story worthwhile. nd be grateful, seriously be grateful. That if you meet that person again, be grateful, smile inside, he left you something, whatever it is, or is ... blessing. You will continue walking in your life and in this world is so small, that around the corner you will find those people who left a blessing in your life, you may smile at that moment, have nerves and not know what to do, stay quiet, it will return pain, joy or nostalgia, whether it is uncomfortable for you, or you simply don't feel anything ... but there is something we cannot avoid ... the divine only touches the divine, and it is there that you realize that his soul touched yours. So if you must do something, do it Forgive, forget, mark your limits, love, or repeat the touch of the soul with a new version. Never say goodbye ... because the paths always cross again. What I want to say is, that if you carry something that its weight does not allow you to live lighter, make the decision to let go or go and fix it, do you think you have the time ecause, the one that exists, is just a blink of an eye. You cannot spend your life hunched over your soul with regret, take away your pride, your ego ... and if you know you must, go and make your soul happy. Your essence is always the same, it will always be intact, what you modify are your behaviors in order to be at peace. nd the essence, even if you don't believe it and you don't believe it to others, is to love. In order for everyone to continue walking in peace, they must create their peace ... and that is only done conscientiously. Everything in nature has its reason for being ... do you know what your reason for being elieve me, God was not exactly wrong with you, no! s in every moment that you know that that moment in your life changed, now do it, close your eyes or look at the sky and ask the One Who Can Do Everything ... What is your reason for being Don't just exist, live and make it count. Dr. Francisco Contreras Minimally invasive, gastrointestinal, metabolic and bariatric surgery. www.drfranciscocontreras.net Edificio Médica Norte. Calle Germán Gedovius #9506-105, 1er. Piso, Zona Río, Tijuana, B.C. México. 664-976-8342. Office. 619-981-9724. USA/Canadá. 664-585-5306. Cell/WhatsApp.

Dr. Francisco Contreras 20.11.2022

efore you die, live... We always hope for better things to come into our life, and it is valid, but many times we do not realize that what we have in f...ront of us is valuable, that by yearning for the future we lose the present. We always wait for the perfect times to be according to us, the right time to express ourselves or act on what we feel, and from so much waiting our lives are over. So TAKE CTION and do it ... live! lready in life you always have a NO! Therefore you should always try ... you have more to gain. We spend it with unreal dreams, when you have miracles in your present and you do not realize it. So stop complaining, stop living on false illusions. I invite you that one of these days, it can be today for example and stay still, like this, but I do not want not to not move but ... to stop talking about others, stop commenting, stop arguing and questioning for everything without fundamentals, stop complaining, stop crying about everything. etter listen ... stay still in life and appreciate what you have in front of you. Do not hesitate, have faith, be sure, and do not take second opinions when you ask God to give you answers. Remember that whatever you do, God is in control, so you go to 2nd opinions, you will return to God, when the rest does not work. God gives you hope. Value until now everything you have: you are no longer who you were and you are evolving, and if you do an evaluation every year you are better and you can be better. You have had strong blows of life and see ... you are still standing, have you passed how many blows? And you go on. lways have goalsand go for each one of them, but don't feel bad if one of them is not met, accept that it was not like that, go for the next one. Have faith in what you dream (as long as they are real) and allow your confidence to grow. Value all those who support you and more those who are your inner circle, remember that there is always someone who does care about you, but also let them know that they are worth to you. You know That you give God more than 1,000,000 reasons not to love you, but none of them change his thinking and feeling for you. You are never alone, you feel like that, because you want to, is so easy just close your eyes and talk with God ... Live, don't just exist, and make your life worthwhile. So before you die ... Live Dr. Francisco Contreras. Minimally invasive, gastrointestinal, metabolic and bariatric surgery. Edificio Médica Norte #9506-105, 1er. Piso, Zona Río, Tijuana, B.C. México. www.drfranciscocontreras.net 664-976-8342. Office. 619-981-9724. USA/Canada. 664-585-5306. Cell/WhatsApp.


Localidad: Tijuana, Baja California

Teléfono: +66 45 855 306

Ubicación: Av. Germán Gedovius #9506-105, Zona Río. Edificio Médica Norte. 22010 Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Web: www.drfranciscocontreras.net/

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