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Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 23.11.2022

Preparing for the service ... Representing the Rev. Dr. Bill Lupfer and Trinity Wall Street as we prepare for the ordination of Bishop Julio C. Martin for the S...outh East Diocese of Mexico With Revdmo. Benito Juárez Martínez, D.D., ordenación y consagración del Obispo Coadjutor With The Rt. Rev. Benito Juarez Martinez, D.D., concerning the ordination & consecration of the Coadjutor Bishop. See more

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 22.11.2022

Church of the Annunciation in Luling, Texas is one of 85 worshiping communities within the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. Find an Episcopal church near you this weekend at episcopalassetmap.org. cc: Church of the Annunciation

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 22.11.2022

I usually don’t take selfies, but when I do I take selfies ... Representing the Rev. Dr. Bill Lupfer and Trinity Wall Street on a visit to San Andres Apostol, S...an Marcos, San Pedro Apostol y La Santa Cruz with Bishop Benito of the South East Diocese of Mexico ... profoundly moving. A whole different way of being church... See more

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 22.11.2022

Brazil (2015), Panamá (2016), Jamaica (2017), Colombia (2018), and now back to Brazil. Trinity and its partners in Latin America and the Caribbean together again in Curitiba tomorrow.

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 22.11.2022

Con permiso del Pbro. Efrén Veláquez Gutiérrez, comparto su reflexión . 8 de marzo, 2020. Segundo domingo en Cuaresma. Ciclo A Pues Dios amó tanto al mundo, que dio a su Hijo único, para que todo aquel que cree en él no muera, sino que tenga vida eterna. Porque Dios no envió a su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para salvarlo. San Juan 3:1-17...Continue reading

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 22.11.2022

Trinity will join with our partners in Latin America and the Caribbean starting next week to concentrate on identifying and equipping emerging leaders for the C...hurch. Many thanks to the Most Rev Naudal Alves Gomes of the Anglican Diocese of Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil for hosting us and for his welcome message below in the three languages that will be used at the meeting. Estimados irmãos, Estimadas irmãs, Paz e Bem! É com alegria que recebemos a todas as pessoas em Curitiba para o Encontro de Parcerias para América Latina e Caribe, promovido pela Trinity Church Wall Street, de Nova Iorque. Em Curitiba está a Sé da Diocese Anglicana do Paraná (Curitiba), onde se encontram a Catedral de São Tiago e a Paróquia de São Pedro Apóstolo. Esperamos que nesses dias intensos de reunião, tenhamos tempo para partilha e convívio, para diálogo e aproximações, para fortalecimento de amizades e companheirismo, para espiritualidade e renovado ânimo para o serviço do Senhor e seu Reino, através de sua Igreja. Com nossas orações e bênçãos, no amor misericordioso de Jesus Cristo, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Queridas hermanas y hermanos: ¡Paz y Bien! Con Inmensa alegría damos la bienvenida en Curitiba a todos y todas a la Reunión de Socios para América Latina y el Caribe, patrocinada por la Iglesia de la Trinidad Wall Street de la Ciudad de Nueva York. En Curitiba está ubicada la sede de la Diócesis Anglicana de Paraná, donde a su vez se encuentran también la Catedral de Santiago y la Parroquia de San Pedro Apóstol. Esperamos que en estos intensos días de reunión, tengamos una buena convivencia y un compartir fraterno en medio de buen diálogo, que permita fortalecer las amistades y el compañerismo, la espiritualidad y nuestras motivaciones en el servicio al Señor y su Reino a través de su Iglesia. Con nuestras oraciones y bendiciones, en el amor misericordioso de Jesucristo, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear brothers, Dear sisters Peace and goodwill! We are delighted to welcome you all to Curitiba, for the Latin American and Caribbean Partnership Meeting, sponsored by Trinity Church Wall Street in New York. Curitiba is the see of the Anglican Diocese of Paraná. In it, the Cathedral of St. James and the Church of St. Peter the Apostle are located. We hope that throughout these intense days of meeting, we will have time for mutual exchanges and renewal, for dialogue and rapprochement, for strengthening friendships and fellowship, for spirituality and renewed encouragement in the Lord’s service and His Kingdom through His Church. Sending prayers and blessings, in the merciful love of Jesus Christ,

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 22.11.2022

Cancelación Sínodo Diocesano

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 21.11.2022

Rev Canon Chuck Robertson on the road meeting with the bishops and Primate of the Anglican Church of Mexico. Visiting to strengthen relationships and have a conversation about the Anglican Communion and Lambeth Conference. With Glenda McQueen and David Copley

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 20.11.2022

Bishops from our partner churches in Brazil joined an interfaith prayer service, rally, and vigil Sunday outside the prison where former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is incarcerated. Thousands gathered on Lula’s 74th birthday to demand his release.

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 20.11.2022

Bishops from our partner churches in Brazil joined an interfaith prayer service, rally, and vigil Sunday outside the prison where former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is incarcerated. Thousands gathered on Lula’s 74th birthday to demand his release.

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 20.11.2022

A group photo after an afternoon workshop by Rev. Canon Chuck Robertson on the Anglican Communion and Lambeth for lay, clergy and bishops of the Anglican Church of Mexico

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 20.11.2022

Con permiso del Pbro. Efrén Veláquez Gutiérrez, comparto su reflexión . 8 de marzo, 2020. Segundo domingo en Cuaresma. Ciclo A Pues Dios amó tanto al mundo, que dio a su Hijo único, para que todo aquel que cree en él no muera, sino que tenga vida eterna. Porque Dios no envió a su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para salvarlo. San Juan 3:1-17...Continue reading

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 20.11.2022

Canção último. Canción última. Last song. Até, hasta, until Barbados 2020.

Diócesis Anglicana del Sureste de México 20.11.2022

Representing the Rev. Dr. Bill Lupfer and Trinity Wall Street as we prepare for the ordination of the Bishop Julio C. Martin Revdmo. Benito Juárez Martínez, D.D., ordenación y consagración del Obispo Coadjutor


Teléfono: +52 228 814 4387

Web: www.diocesisanglicanadelsureste.org/

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