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Centro Comunitario Palabras de Esperanza 23.11.2022

Our sale of manta this Saturday is in support of Paloma and all of our students that have received opportunities through their scholarships. 1L of manta for $6 USD, deliveries (within Peñasco) 12-3pm Ocober 3rd. Send us a message or leave a comment for more information, to sponsor a student, or to place an order. . Paloma's story: "Being in the school scholarship program has been one of the best things that has happened to me, from funding my education, to meeting new peopl...e, it's a fun experience. Being in the scholarship program has been a blessing for my education, my family, and more importantly, my mom. Thanks to our supporters, I can say that I am now a proud UNISON owl, and in a few years I will be a professional in my field, always grateful for the people that have supported me. I've learned, I've learned a lot as I've been here, I've matured. I've met people that are a gift straight from heaven, I volunteer in the medical clinics, and I love it. I've gotten to know my strengths and also my weaknesses, but making a simple mistake doesn't keep me from wanting to keep going, because I really, really want to be somebody. I met Jesus, who since the day I stepped foot here, has walked with me in the middle of all these tragedies and wonders that have happened to us. Words would fail me to be able to thank every one of the people who supports all of the scholarship holders, we should be grateful always, and even more so, we should give thanks to God, who has put people with such big hearts in our path, that believe in us and are there for us, thank you." See more

Centro Comunitario Palabras de Esperanza 22.11.2022

Ya está lista la manta! Se puede pasar a recogerla en el estacionamiento de atrás del salón quinta Ventura. Te esperamos con emoción!

Centro Comunitario Palabras de Esperanza 21.11.2022

Actualización: Habrán medicos de pediatra también por cita. Un adulto tiene que acompañar el niño a la cita, y solo puede venir el niño que tiene la cita y el adulto acompañando. Llama (6386901531) o ven a la oficina para mas información o para agendar tu cita.

Centro Comunitario Palabras de Esperanza 20.11.2022

El pasado sábado, 3/oct realizamos nuestra actividad de recaudación a beneficio de los jóvenes en nuestro programa de becas escolares. Agradecemos de manera muy especial a nuestro amigo Jerry Cañez de Quinta Ventura y a su increíble equipo de Gastro 638 por todo el apoyo que nos brindaron para llevar a cabo esta actividad y cocinar esta deliciosa manta, a Tortillería el Gordo (marcosjavier.lunadominguez) y al Señor Carlos de Supermercado La Especial quienes nos donaron las to...rtillas y verduras respectivamente para este platillos; Muchas Gracias! Y por supuestos gracias a nuestros estudiantes y a TODOS los que nos apoyaron comprando cada litro de manta. DIOS LOS BENDIGA A TODOS #juntosporunamejorcomunidad . 10.2.20...3 hours...more than 100 liters of manta This past Saturday, October 3, we fundraised in benefit of the youth in our school scholarship program. We are especially grateful for our frient Jerry from Quinta Ventura events cdnter and his incredible team Gastro 638 for all the support they brought to be able to pull off this activity and cook this delicious manta. We also want to recognize the Tortilleria el Gordo, and Mr. Carlos from La Especial supermarket who donated the tortillas and the vegetables respectively for these meals, thank you so much! and of course thank you to our students and EVERYONE that supported us by buying every liter of manta. GOD BLESS YOU ALL #togetherforabettercommunity See more


Localidad: Puerto Peñasco, Sonora

Teléfono: +52 638 690 1531

Ubicación: Cjon. Juan Aldama entre Av. 68 y 69 #668, Col. San Rafael 83553 Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico

Web: www.penascowordsofhope.org/

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