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Buda en Mérida 23.11.2022

Happiness, Humor and Compassion - His Holiness the Dalai Lama will join in conversation with Mexican actor, filmmaker and role model Eugenio Derbez on compassio...n and environment issues by video link from his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on September 22, 2020. Viewers are requested to please follow their local social distancing rules. See more

Buda en Mérida 23.11.2022


Buda en Mérida 22.11.2022

Hoy es martes de Zazen en One Drop México. Nos reunimos a las 7:00 pm vía Zoom. Todas y todos son bienvenidos a unirse. ID de reunión: 860 355 2144 Libro de Sut...ras: https://www.onedropmexico.org/sutras Bienvenidos Donativos Voluntarios: https://www.onedropmexico.org/donativos See more

Buda en Mérida 21.11.2022

Female aspect of Enlightening way is/was very precious, and one of Vajra Varahi's heads as head of a sow, presents the fertility, wealth, power. In book "Women... of Wisdom" by Ms Zeljka Jovanovic, is written that when female and women generally stopped being equal, better said~respected~ with men, and female body was proclaimed as filthy and forbidden, the pig as sow was proclaimed as unclean and wrong to eat. In many Vajrayana tankhas, as you know, we can see vagina (bagha) not covered, very often painted with strong colors, but, if you see monotheistic religions, they all made women and their natural look and physiology as something not nice, not desirable and not the way to liberation and going to "heaven"...photo-SukkhaSiddhi-Sukhasiddhi arrived at tantric Buddhism late in life. She lived as an impoverished housewife and mother of six children until the age of fifty-nine. She was thrown out of her home by her husband and children, who were irate at what they considered her misplaced generosity to a stranger who came begging at their door. She wandered westward to Oddiyana (Swat Valley in modern Pakistan), where she acquired a measure of grain, with which she made alcohol. Her business proved a modest success, and she allowed herself to again be generous, this time to a female adept referred to as Avadhuti-ma, who regularly bought alcohol for her companion, an adept in retreat. Sukhasiddhi’s gift of free alcohol intrigued the adept, Virupa, who asked whether his surprising benefactor wanted to receive Buddhist teaching. She did. Sukhasiddhi’s story relates that she brought as offerings to Virupa two containers of alcohol and some pork. Although this meeting predates the Muslim domination of India, pork and alcohol were far from what would have normally constituted suitable offerings for spiritual teaching, even to tantric masters. Nevertheless, Virupa was no normal master, and Sukhasiddhi would prove an exceptional disciple. Upon receiving empowerment and instruction from Virupa, Sukhasiddhi, then a sixty-one-year-old, attained full enlightenment that very evening. Like Niguma, her body became rainbowlike. Niguma is remembered as a wrathful, dark-brown woman who wore bone ornaments, whereas Sukhasiddhi is portrayed as a peaceful, light-skinned sixteen-year-old. See more

Buda en Mérida 21.11.2022

Yuthok Nyingthig Eliminating Obstacles 2

Buda en Mérida 21.11.2022

El enojo es el destructor de una mente en calma, entonces pensando de esta manera uno logra cierto tipo de convicción de que el enojo no tiene utilidad, en vez de resolver el problema, crea más problemas. Dalai Lama


Localidad: Mérida

Teléfono: +52 999 397 9552

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