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Blockchain Expertise MX 23.11.2022

50% of global GDP could be on blockchain by 2050.

Blockchain Expertise MX 22.11.2022

The rise of mainstream digital money: Bitcoin has been around for more than a decade, and at this point it’s not so controversial to call it a breakthrough. But neither Bitcoin nor the blockchain technology at its heart ever made it onto MIT Technology Review’s annual list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies. In large part, that’s because we’ve always found it difficult to imagine digital currency or blockchain-based finance going mainstream anytime soon. Until this year. In 202...0, digital money is finally on the list. In 2019, mainstream adoption of digital currency became a lot easier to imagine, first thanks to Facebook’s Libra proposal, and then due to China’s proclamation that a digital version of its sovereign currency is close to being issued. These events, along with the decline of cash use around the world, convinced us that digital money is finally on the verge of its breakthrough moment. Check out the whole list of our 10 Breakthrough Technologies for 2020 here. MIT Technology Review

Blockchain Expertise MX 21.11.2022

La minería de Bitcoin continúa... en Texas.

Blockchain Expertise MX 21.11.2022

Blockchain explained.

Blockchain Expertise MX 21.11.2022

El proyecto de Libra de Facebook sigue en pie a pesar de decepciones en el pasado. Podría ser un gran catalizador para el desarrollo de aplicaciones con la tecnología blockchain. Al tiempo. ... Libra may be about to reintroduce itself? Facebook is contemplating a revamp of Libra in attempt to offer something more palatable to skeptical policymakers, several unnamed sources have told both The Information and Bloomberg. But the messages have been a bit mixed. First, The Information reported that Facebook had decided not to support the Libra token (if it ever comes into existence) in its homegrown Calibra wallet service, and would plan to issue digital versions of government currencies instead. Then the company issued a correction reversing this assertion. Not long after that, Bloomberg reported that Facebook and the Libra Association are considering redesigning the Libra cryptocurrency project so that the network accepts multiple coins, including those issued by central banks. The end result of all that prevaricatingthat the Libra project will involve a bunch of currenciesis more or less in line with a message that Facebook’s blockchain chief David Marcus began peddling months ago. It was way back in October that he first suggested Libra might end up taking the form of a multitude of stablecoins that represent national currencies. And in January at the World Economic Forum in Davos, he made it clear the token could take a back seat to the network. I want to really make that distinction between the network and the assets that are running on top of the network, which I think could be issued by many different entities whether it’s central banks or the private sector, he said. Call it Libra 2.0.


Web: www.blockchainexpertise.mx

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