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BerakWare 21.11.2022

"La información es el nuevo petróleo"

BerakWare 20.11.2022

What’s in a Name? It seems like a small thing, but names are important. Good names for tables and columns are particularly important for ad hoc users of the DW/BI system who need to find the objects they’re looking for. Object names should be oriented to the business users, not the technical staff. Here are top ten suggestions for naming objects in your data warehouse / business intelligence system.... 1. Follow naming conventions. 2. Each object has one name. 3. Object names are descriptive. 4. Abbreviations and acronyms are discouraged. 5. Object names are pretty. 6. Object names are unique. 7. Object names are not too long. 8. Consider prepending column names with an abbreviated table name. 9. Change names in the view layer if needed. 10. Be consistent! By Joy Mundi Kimball Group

BerakWare 20.11.2022

La informacion en las Organizaciones esta creciendo de manera exponencial por lo que se debe tener estrategias para su manejo y seguridad. http://searchdatacenter.techtarget.com//Big-data-y-almacen


Teléfono: +52 81 8214 5560

Web: www.berakware.com/

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