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Ben Diaz, Lighting Designer 23.11.2022

Excellent look, excellent Lighting Designer, excellent setup.

Ben Diaz, Lighting Designer 22.11.2022

It's here!!! <3

Ben Diaz, Lighting Designer 22.11.2022

Simply amazing.

Ben Diaz, Lighting Designer 21.11.2022

"It's not the time to compete, it's the time to build our future." - Ben Diaz, Head of Product Management at SGM during last month's open manufacturer meeting.

Ben Diaz, Lighting Designer 21.11.2022

This is paradise... It's difficult to express the satisfaction that invades me, after spending uncountable hours working in the development of a lighting fixture that today we can call an "icon" <3


Localidad: Mexico City, Mexico

Teléfono: +34 633 20 48 88

Web: bendiazlightingdesigner.wordpress.com/

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