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Backtothesoul 24.11.2022

STRENGHT Tarot is a journey in to the self... Number 8. Taming the inner beast. The ego wants to be heard and obeid... we need to understand the Ego is a marvelous tool we are equipped with to stay alive, it has its purpose on the material aspect of our existence.... It is designed to create physical, mental, emotional reactions based on your biological and mental believe system. It doesn't know anything about the highest good or soul evolution, it's only interest is to avoid pain and danger. In this stage of the path we are asked to become the fair judge that understands with gentleness the programing behind, rise above it and see survival based desires for what they are. We are asked to compassionately witness the origin of ego reactions and decide when is appropriate to follow. #strenght #astrology #soulgrowth #spirituality #evolution #path #dharma #yoga #beauty #life #tarot #tarotonline #expansion #introspection #awareness #selfjourney #selfgrowth #love #ego #mind #emotion #tarotreading #soul #coach #higherself

Backtothesoul 23.11.2022

THE CHARIOT Tarot is a journey in to the self... Number 7. Body, mind, heart surrendered to the soul's will. Beyond likes and dislikes resides the opportunity to take the driver's seat and set a one pointed intention and direction of our energies.... If the 4 wheels of a car decide to go in opposite directions, the will is waisted in the decision process never finding material expression in to action and we end up circling around ourselves, exhausted and confused. How many times we know what needs to be done and we get entangled in ego desires? #tarot #soulgrowth #life #introspection #beauty #believe #spirituality #astrology #tarotreading #thechariot #evolution #duality #mind #awareness #yoga #selfjourney #selfgrowth #love #dharma #thepath #coach #selfjourney #innerknowing #soul #spirit #higherself

Backtothesoul 22.11.2022

Have you ever wonder what is a tree's life purpose? They don't know, they just do what they do, they just are what they are. It seems we all have a veil misleading us from seeing clearly what for we are here.... If you want to understand your life's purpose just turn your sight to nature. A tree is not competing to be the tallest, the one providing more oxygen or shade, he is just existing to its highest potential with the resources provided by the surroundings, it's not even aware of the great impact it's existence has for sustaining everything. Fully present, deeply involved in life, a piece of everything and nothing at the same time. We are the only beings on this planet trying to stop a full speed train with a single foot to fit our demands and then we wonder why we are lost and without a sense of purpose, we stopped understanding life in an attempt to own it. Your life's purpose is to be what you are to the highest potential, to become the most alive shade of colors you are already wearing. To understand how to do that we need to find our place in the ecosystem again, think, what you are doing that is benefiting the whole? Is your waste useful for another being? Where do we belong in the chain? #nature #pachamama #onennes #tarot #soulgrowth #spirituality #evolution #path #dharma #yoga #astrology #tarotreading #tarotonline #introspection #awareness #soul #spirit #soulgrowth #life #purpose #selfjourney #innerknowing #coach #love

Backtothesoul 21.11.2022

Sadhguru: The sun actually neither rises nor sets. But the way we perceive it what a glorious deception! From the smallest to the largest things in life, there is a series of deceptions in our perception. If you sit in the movie theater, the drama seems so real. But if you go to the projection room and see, it is just a light bulb and two wheels spinning. So much drama will happen love, fight, war, peace, maybe even enlightenment. But essentially, it is just a projection.... One who does not enjoy the play or cinema is a fool. But one who gets caught up in the play or cinema is a much bigger fool. One who enjoys the play to the hilt and still never becomes entangled with the process understands that it starts with the opening credits and closes with the end titles. In a way, it is like the names at the cemetery the characters that you just saw in the movie are there now. If you do not understand that what is happening in between is just a play and you get caught up in the play, then so many things that are not real become real to you, and what is absolutely real will be completely lost. The work of a Guru is not to take you to the movies but on a tour of the projection room. Why should you destroy the beauty of the cinema by going into the projection room and seeing that the fantastic men and women in the movie do not exist, that there is no great drama just two wheels and a light bulb? If the cinema was about some other actors, it would not be necessary. You could just sit in your chair, have popcorn, and enjoy the movie. The thing is you have a role to play, and you are not holding the hand of the director. If a director does not hold the hand of an actor, then even well-known stars will be a complete mess. It does not matter how brilliant or capable you are if you do not hold the hand of the Creator, your life will be a complete mess. If you are successful, it will be one kind of mess. If you are a failure, it will be another kind of mess. If everyone was a failure, the world would go down the drain. If everyone was successful, we would destroy the planet even faster. If you know how to play your role and still be conscious of the mechanics of the projection room, then you can control the cinema the way you want it. If you hold the hand of the director, then it can be a wonderful experience, and above all, you can retire and watch the movie. ***Taken from IshaInsights*** #Vilva #Sadhguru #innerengineering #meditation #yogadaily #ishainsights #life

Backtothesoul 21.11.2022

Karma What if I tell you, you can rewrite your story? Your life is your karma, you can see your future by observing what have you been doing till now.... Your believes, patterns, perspectives determine what you see, what you are and what it will be. Conciouss memory is a gift to humankind but we use it as a weapon, directed right back to us. There's physiological, mental, emotional, ethereal memory stored in us, that's what makes us able to function in life. But there's a deeper purpose for it, to be able to go back and change the quality this information was classified with. We can be a slave of our own story or we can change it, go back to your important moments in life and observe the thought, the emotion, don't entangle with it, memories are not meant to be relived, are to be analyzed and classified with the awarness you have now. What can you understand about your story? Everyone is just a version of who you are, each of us on our own learning process, are you able to relate with the characters on your story? How enlightening can be to place yourself in another's shoes, just to feel how difficult another path can be. What are you creating now? #karma #astrology #tarotreading #soul #coach #selfjourney #innerknowing #spirituality #evolution #selfgrowth #self #mind #awareness #universe #introspection #yoga #beauty #life #tarot #tarotonline #expansion #memories #path #realization #dharma


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