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Aurora Astrology 23.11.2022

ARIES March 20 > April 21 Element: Fire Modality: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Mars ... Tarot Archetype: The Emperor Aries rules the first house of personality and the self, new beginnings and being first. The Martial energy of Aries makes fearless fighters, passionate lovers, and energetic trail-blazers. Aries people are natural go-getters. They're courageous and action-oriented. Their dynamic and competitive natures make them excellent leaders. Aries hates to lose. They can be aggressive, impulsive, and short-tempered. They show their feelings quickly and without a second thought. Yet, as quickly as they explode, Aries forgets and moves on. Like the ram, they tend to be direct and charge headfirst at life. This month Aries' fiery energy will propel you forward to take action towards making lasts month's dreams come true. Start the new project, shed any leftovers of false truths, and see things through a lens of bravery that takes on any challenge head-on! Keywords Light: ADVENTUROUS COURAGEOUS OUTGOING IMPULSIVE DIRECT COMPETITIVE BRAVE FIRST Keywords Shadow: TOUGH AGGRESSIVE IMPATIENT INSENSITIVE SIMPLE-MINDED CRUDE HOT TEMPERED ADVERSARY DOMINANT Apply to Sun, moon & ascendant . . . . . #aries #sun #moon #ascendant #action #fire Resource: The Modern Astrology Manual #alchemy #astrology #tarot #shadowwork #knowthyself #motherearth #witchcraft #witch #ritual #selfhealers #1111 #2021 #magick #earthkeepers #alchemist #beyondtheveil #consulting #reading See more

Aurora Astrology 23.11.2022

ARIES March 20 > April 21 Element: Fire Modality: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Mars... Aries rules the first house of personality and the self, new beginnings and being first. The Martial energy of Aries makes fearless fighters, passionate lovers, and energetic trail-blazers. Aries people are natural go-getters. They're courageous and action-oriented. Their dynamic and competitive natures make them excellent leaders. Aries hates to lose. They can be aggressive, impulsive, and short-tempered. They show their feelings quickly and without a second thought. Yet, as quickly as they explode, Aries forgets and moves on. Like the ram, they tend to be direct and charge headfirst at life. This month Aries' fiery energy will propel you forward to take action towards making lasts month's dreams come true. Start the new project, shed any leftovers of false truths, and see things through a lens of bravery that takes on any challenge head-on! Keywords Light: ADVENTUROUS COURAGEOUS OUTGOING IMPULSIVE DIRECT COMPETITIVE BRAVE FIRST Keywords Shadow: TOUGH AGGRESSIVE IMPATIENT INSENSITIVE SIMPLE-MINDED CRUDE HOT TEMPERED ADVERSARY DOMINANT Apply to Sun, moon & ascendant. . Resource: The Modern Astrology Manual See more

Aurora Astrology 22.11.2022

I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman." Anais Nin, Delta of Venus This is the energy of The Empress. She is the archetype of Venus in her highest most evolved form. Her fertility, courage, and unapologetic beauty, reach the peak of her wild -assertive cr...eativity. Left with no space for doubt, her light moves forward in the gestation of new worlds breaking through the darkness of the unknown... She gives birth to the future: Universal peace and harmony. It’s already thriving, existing in the purity of her children’s vision. It is felt by her exalted heart. She is fully supported by the Mother, and the Father. She is complete. Venus is the ruler of Libra . As the Libra full moon approaches, bathe in the energy of The Empress and balance your masculine/ feminine powers. Her counterpart is The Emperor, as he embodies the masculine aspect of her powerful strength. He allows the feminine to guide forward with an open heart while pushing with concrete action and impecable ethic. He uses his immense strength, courage, and power, to see this vision come through; defending the defenseless; while taking care of all humanity, and all the creatures of his kingdom. He does not abuse his power for personal gain or gets carried away by addiction to his riches and pleasures. He stands in his own maturity, steadfast, leading the armies of peace towards the heaven on Earth once envisioned, now lived and felt in their lovemaking Union . This new united kingdom is the remembrance of #paradise. . . . . #hereandnow #remember See more

Aurora Astrology 21.11.2022

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are... crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. Rob Siltanen . . . . . . . . #change #freedom #medicalfreedom #uncensored #earthspeaks #paradise #heavenonearth #kabbalah #sacredgeometry #sunset #planetearth See more

Aurora Astrology 20.11.2022

If we could see the miracle of a single flower, clearly our whole life would change. Buddha Since ancient civilizations, The Flower of Life has been depicted as a symbol of all life coming from one singular Source, which is represented by the circle in the middle of the pattern. The seed of Life, (the first 7 circles) is also believed to be the symbol of the 7 steps of the cycle of all creation. ... It holds the most significant and sacred pattern in the universe: a blueprint for all life, and the fundamental pattern for everything, from the micro (atoms), to the macro (planets), and everything in between. "Si pudiéramos ver el milagro de una sola flor, claramente toda nuestra vida cambiaría". - Buda Desde las civilizaciones mas antiguas, La Flor de la Vida se ha representado como el símbolo del origen de la vida que proviene de una Fuente singular, representada por el círculo en el centro del patrón. También se cree que la semilla de la vida (los primeros 7 círculos) representan los 7 pasos del ciclo de la creación. Contiene el patrón más significativo y sagrado del universo: el patrón fundamental para todo, desde lo micro (átomos) hasta lo macro (planetas) y todo lo intermedio. Te gustaría recibir más de este contenido en español? See more

Aurora Astrology 20.11.2022

Happy Ostara & Spring Equinox! Ostara is a time of balance. Equinox means "equal night, meaning the day and night will be of equal length. This marks the start of the new astrological year in the tropical zodiac as the Sun enters fiery - Aries. This is a time of new beginnings and "fresh starts." The cycle of life, death, and rebirth is complete so we celebrate the rebirth of the soil and the land. Find a space today to sit in meditation for a f...ew minutes and breathe deeply as you fall into love with the center of your being. Celebrate all that has been and has brought you to where you are today. Today is a day of centered balance. You are here and all is well. All my love and many blessings to you and your loved ones. See more


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Web: www.aurorapod.com/

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