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Athletic Performance 23.11.2022

#repost @nomusclepain Rounded Shoulders Follow @treatbackpain for daily pain management tips -... Find this helpful? Share it with your friends! Turn on post notifications so you never miss a post! - TAG or SHARE this post with someone who needs to see this! - "Rounded shoulders" posture gets a lot of bad press on the internet, and it's usually explained very poorly - Search "Rounded Shoulders" on Google and you'll spend all day scrolling through "Fixes", "Posture Corrections", and endless before and after "comparison" photos - But here's the deal: Specific postural positions DO NOT DIRECTLY "cause" pain. Nothing DIRECTLY "causes" pain, because pain is COMPLEX and there are ALWAYS multiple factors that influence pain in any ONE person at any ONE time - However, staying in ONE position for LONG PERIODS CAN CONTRIBUTE to pain, regardless of the position (even standing/sitting straight up in "perfect" posture!) - But because so many people in today's society tend to spend LONG TIMES in a "ROUNDED SHOULDERS" position, hunched over the computer for hours and hours without moving much (if at all), this position has become demonized as a "cause" of dysfunction - Let's rethink that... - What if it's okay to hang out in this position, but instead of staying here for hours, we move a bit more throughout the day? - Stretch, stand up, walk, move into directions we haven't been moving into as much recently - Did we "fix" anything? - Or are we just giving the body more of what it wants? MOVEMENT. - I could go deeper into this, but this is Instagram and I'm limited to 2200 characters...and I know you guys like exercises - So reflect on what I said above, then use these exercises to move into positions and strengthen muscles that you MAY be neglecting in your everyday routine - But please, for the love of God, don't ask me how to "fix" your rounded shoulders for good - That's an outdated narrative that needs to die and lay to rest in the rehab graveyard - Follow @nomusclepain for daily pain management advice - by dr.caleb.burgess See more

Athletic Performance 22.11.2022

La respiración en el ejercicio . . #gymvirtual ... Salvo indicación en contra podemos hacer dos distinciones: #gymtip Cargas ligeras: en ejercicios donde se use muy poco peso para las capacidades del sujeto y del músculo trabajado, la respiración ha de ser natural y no forzada. A esto se suman los músculos muy pequeños y de poca demanda cardiorrespiratoria, como los del antebrazo. #gymmotivation Cargas pesadas: lo correcto es inspirar por la nariz y por la boca al mismo tiempo -o sólo por la boca cuando sea necesaria una inspiración rápida- en la primera mitad o primer tercio del esfuerzo, y espirar por la boca en la última mitad o tercio. El resto del tiempo hay que mantenerse en apnea, incluso, esta última puede comenzarse justo antes de empezar el movimiento en algunos ejercicios pesados (como sentadilla o press de banca), pero esto requiere cierta práctica. A diferencia de lo que ocurre en reposo, durante los esfuerzos de musculación la inspiración exclusiva por la nariz no permite una entrada de caudal de aire su- ficiente y rápido. #fitness Otro motivo, para esta respiración tan poco natural, es que las palancas corporales encuentren un buen punto de apoyo en un tronco firme. La cantidad de aire inspirado ha de ser moderada, ni demasiado profunda ni demasiado escasa. No se debe comer, beber ni mascar chicle o caramelos durante la ejecución de las series de los ejercicios, pues dificulta la respiración normal. . . . #fitness #gym #workout #motivation #fit #muscle #training #lifestyle #abs #health #cardio #strong #exercise #bodybuilder #performance #football #blessed #preseason #powerlifting #fearless #gymvirtual #gymshark #musculaturaprofunda

Athletic Performance 22.11.2022

#repost @lustrengththerapy ! We will be choosing one person to work with (for FREE!) and correcting whatever they need to work on (form assessment of their lifts, suggesting exercises, injury prevention, etc). Simply and leave a with the hashtag #LuHelpsYou along with what you need help with! ... . Knocked knees (also known as genu valgum) is a knee alignment issue where the knees fall in towards the midline. While there may be several different factors that can influence knocked knees such as bone disease and muscle imbalances. Strengthening the muscles (foot and hip muscles) that are responsible for keeping the knee in proper alignment is key when it comes to correcting knocked knees if caused from muscular imbalances. 1 : Stand with a hip circle around the knees. Place all your weight on one leg with the opposite leg slightly bent. Lift the opposite leg outwards while maintaining a vertical shin throughout the exercise. Slowly lower the knee back to starting position. 2 : Stand next to a wall or stationary object and sandwich a ball in between your hip and wall slightly below hip height. Bend the knee closest towards the wall to 90 degrees. Slowly hinge the hips backwards while preventing the ball from falling. 3 : Start in your preferred squat stance with a hip circle around the knees. Keep the arms stretched out in front of you for support. Push the knees out into the band while squatting downwards. Stand back up while preventing the knees from caving inwards. . . ! . #LuStrengthTherapy #Knee #KneePain #StrengthAndConditioning #StrengthCoach #MobilityTraining #StrengthAndConditioningCoach

Athletic Performance 21.11.2022

Utilizas la ropa adecuada en el gym?! #gymmotivation #gymvirtual #instagym ... Se ha de vestir con ropa deportiva, ligera, transpirable y que no comprima al cuerpo, sin molestas costuras, re- maches o piezas metálicas. Si se suda hay que cambiarla, aunque no se haya terminado el entrenamiento. Es recomendable usar guantes específicos adecuados, para evitar heridas en las manos y prevenir la pérdida del agarre por la sudoración. El uso del cinturón de refuerzo está reservado, opcionalmente, para momentos puntuales de ciertos ejercicios, o en caso de recomendación médica. Una toalla limpia debería ser parte de nuestra indumentaria de entrenamiento, sobre todo, para colocarla sobre cada respaldo de los aparatos antes de utilizarlos, y para limpiar el material si se ha ensuciado. El calzado ha de ser específico para este tipo de ejercicios (de venta en tiendas especializadas) o se deben em- plear zapatillas deportivas de calidad con buena suela antideslizante, bien atadas. No se puede utilizar el mismo calzado con el que se viene de la calle, pues con seguridad traerá consigo arena o suciedad. Aunque esto parezca una obviedad, todavía se ven personas poco informadas que entrenan con chanclas, zapatos de vestir o, incluso, descalzos. #fitness #gym #workout #motivation #fit #muscle #training #lifestyle #abs #health #cardio #strong #exercise #bodybuilder #performance #football #blessed #preseason #powerlifting #fearless #gymvirtual #gymshark #musculaturaprofunda #anaerobico #fisicoatletico

Athletic Performance 20.11.2022

#Repost @dr.caleb.burgess with @make_repost Grip Strength - TAG or SHARE this post with someone who wants to build their GRIP STRENGTH ... - Want to build your grip strength? - Hold heavy things in a variety of ways! - Here I demonstrate 4 different grip variations as well as a few other exercises that will help build your grip strength - Grip types shown: - 1 Cylindrical Grip The hand creates the shape of a cylinder as all of the finger joints are molded around the surface of an object - 2 Hook Grip Only the tips of the fingers are flexed while the 2 joints of the fingers closer to the palm are in a neutral position. The thumb does not contribute to this grip - 3 Spherical Grip The hand creates the shape of a cylinder as all of the finger joints are molded around the surface of an object - 4 Pinch Grip The base of the finger joints closest to the palm are flexed while the 2 joints of the fingers further from the palm are in neutral - Thanks to @rehabscience for the inspiration for this one - Questions? Comments? Send me a message or leave a comment below . . . Interested in: Online physical therapy? Movement analysis? Personal training? Performance enhancement? Send me a message , email , or fill out the link in my bio See more


Localidad: San Nicolás de los Garza

Ubicación: Ciudad Universitaria San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, Mexico

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