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AMTeam 23.11.2022

Keep Learning! Invierte en educación. Contamos ahora también con material didáctico de Pearson.

AMTeam 23.11.2022

Good morning !! What do you think about this? Share with us your thoughts, happy weekend !!

AMTeam 22.11.2022

It's Wednesday of...Phrasel Verb! "DEAL WITH". Wich means to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem.... The government must now deal with the problem of high unemployment.

AMTeam 22.11.2022

Good morning! Phrasal Verb. This phrasal verb means "to spread a rumour"... Put about or put around/round [TRANSITIVE] BRITISH INFORMAL to tell a lot of people something, especially something that is not true E.G. Somebody has been putting about a story that he's been cheating in exams. I'm sure it's not true. Have a nice day and keep learning!!

AMTeam 22.11.2022

Invierte en educación, queremos ser tu aliado!. Preguntanos por nuestras promociones.Los mejores cursos de Inglés online. Keep Learning!

AMTeam 21.11.2022

Please, don't be like .....

AMTeam 20.11.2022

Phrasal verb: "Breaking down" This phrasal verb means: "when a car stops working"... Note: The single-word form is used when the term is a noun.

AMTeam 20.11.2022

Hi!! Let's practice English. Today's phrasal verb means: "to rain heavily" PELT(DOWN)... I'm not going shopping yet. It's pelting down with rain outside. Have a nice day.

AMTeam 20.11.2022

¡Feliz año 2020 por parte de todo el equipo de AMTeam! Juntos lograremos nuestros propósitos. Happy Ney Year!


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