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About the Islam 23.11.2022

SALAH (PRAYER) Salah means prayer, while in Islam it is set of actions and mode of worshipping Allah. Salah is the second tenet of Islam after iman. Every believer is asked to worship Allah five times a day. The five times of salah are called: Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. Salah is the most fundamental practice of Islam. It is obligatory on every Muslim man and woman. Salah is the most important practice in Islam. It was greatly emphasized by the Qur’an and Hadith. It fi...Continue reading

About the Islam 23.11.2022

Make friends with your Creator (Khaliq) to keep him happy and HE will make you... May Allah Almighty bless, those who are the pillars of Islam. Ameen

About the Islam 23.11.2022

One of the primary responsibilities of parents is to correct their children's Holy Qur'an and prayers. Anyone who is careless in this can be caught by Allah in the Hereafter. May Allah teach us to train our children properly and include us among those who live by the practice of religion. Ameen.

About the Islam 23.11.2022

ISLAM AND SCIENCE May Praise be to Allah, the creator of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad, the head of all messengers, upon his Family and all his Companions! Allah says in the Qur’an: ...Continue reading

About the Islam 23.11.2022

When the sun of Islam was enlightening the world. Europe was passing through dark eges of history. The scientists, artists and men of learning were tortured and sometimes even they were torched to death. Similarly, ignorance was prevailing all over Arabia. There was neither a school nor a college and a library. Quraish, the head of all tribes in Arabia, had only 17 persons who knew writing. In 570 AD, when the sun of Islam rose form the horizon of Arabian Peninsula in its ful...lest blaze, the entire world was shrouded by darkness and steeped in ignorance and long slumber. Atmosphere was about ‘education’. The earliest verses of Qur’an invited people to education: Read with the name of your Lord who created (everything), He created man from a clot of blood. Read, and your Lord is the most gracious, who imparted knowledge by means of the pen. He taught man what he did not know. (Surah ‘Alaq, 96:1-5) These verses of the Qur’an are considered to be the fountainhead of education in post-Islamic history. The created a remarkable eagerness towards education. The Qur’an filled the followers of Islam with a tremendous spirit. Hadith also encouraged this spirit and gave it a gave it a good push by repeated mentioning of education’s virtues and greatness.

About the Islam 22.11.2022

Hazrat Muhammad Sunnah are being scientifically #Proven one by one by the Science and that is the colossal Testament of Muhammad sayings Authenticity and Credibility. Over 1400 years Back, when a child was Born, Hazrat Muhammad made it #Mandatory (Sunnat) to put a small Piece of Date (Khajoor) in a new Born Baby #Mouth until it get Soft. Then Rub that soft Piece of Date onto the upper Roof of the mouth of the New Born. This is called Tehneek is Islam (Jurisprudence). ...Now, Science has #Proved that : "A Dose of Sugar given as a Gel Rubbed into the inside of the mouth is a cheap and Effective way to Protect premature Babies against Brain Damage", Reported BBC News. This is why Muslims follow the sunnah of the messenger without Questioning it. Science is only now Discovering a tradition that was introduced 1400 #Years ago. Link to the New #Research : https://www.bbc.com/news/health-24224206 - via @Dekhlo

About the Islam 21.11.2022

Saying In Sha Allah when making a promise is not a get out clause. The promise still remains binding, and going against it, without a valid excuse, is still sinful. In Sha Allah is merely a reminder that regardless of our resolve, it is ultimately in Allah’s power.

About the Islam 21.11.2022

Bismillah Almighty How important is consolation? The only way to know when a person is in unbearable trouble and those who have hope is to start changing their eyes. The consolations begin to sound like lies and deceptions, darkness seems to be everywhere, the heart seems to sit still, the breaths begin to suffocate in the chest, at such a time the human heart wants someone to give false comfort, at such a time if it, if the Verse (Qur'an) shows that "there is ease with every difficulty" then only he can enjoy it. Because even the one who says it is not an era, but the Lord of the worlds Himself, whose promise is free from all doubt and whose word is a sea of consolations. May Allah protect us from all kinds of trials. Ameen.

About the Islam 21.11.2022

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About the Islam 20.11.2022

The Qur’an has laid much importance to ‘education’, that is why it regarded education as the main purpose of the advent of Prophet in this world as the Holy Qur’an said: He is the one who raised amidst the unlettered people a messenger from among themselves who recites to them His verses, and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and the wisdom, while they were earlier in open error. (Surah Jumuah 62:2) This is the reason that the Prophet Muhammad himself said, I was se...nt down as a ‘teacher’. Once upon a time the Prophet saw busy some his companions sitting in two circles. One circle was busy chanting the glory of Allah and the other was busy learning and teaching. So, the Prophet said: I was sent as a teacher and sat among them. (Ibn Maja, Hadith 225) The Sahabah imbibed the teaching on Islam in their lives and whenever they went they engaged themselves in learning and teaching. They sat in corner of a mosque or in a part of a house teaching wisdom and good behaviour. Due to their valuable efforts, in a short period of time the Arabs truned in to the most civilized nation. Wherever they went they left their deep impressions on life, culture and language. Dear audience! In short, Islam is the pioneer of educational revolution. It led the humanity form stark darkness to broad daylight. Here, i conclude my talk and pray Allah to grant us right knowledge that enlightens our hearts and brightens our souls. See more


Localidad: Mexico City, Mexico

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