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+52 Elite Fitness 23.11.2022

WOD 09.07.20 20:00 Walk + 20:00 Jog Mobility

+52 Elite Fitness 23.11.2022

HOME WOD 08.07.20 3 Sets: :45 Single unders or jumping jacks 8 Inch worm... 8 Lunge elbow to the floor 2 Sets: 5 Rounds: 20 Alt. step back lunges 30 Jumping jacks *3:00 Rest b/t sets

+52 Elite Fitness 22.11.2022

HOME WOD 01.07.20 5 Rounds 30 Alternating leg v ups... 15 Burpees 400 m Run 3 Rounds 30 Yards single arm dumbell overhead carry each side 20 Russian twist each side 15 Single leg hip bridges each side See more

+52 Elite Fitness 22.11.2022

HOME WOD 07.07.20 5 Min for quality: 20 Alt. Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 30 Russian Twist ... :45 High plank 2 Sets of: AMRAP 6 24 Bodyweight RDL or GoodMornings 24 Alt. V-ups 24 Mountain climbers Rest 4:00 min b/t sets.

+52 Elite Fitness 22.11.2022

¡8 anos juntos! Gracias a toda la comunidad #cincodos . #8aniversario #EliteFitness #52elitefitness #somoscincodos #hmo #sonora

+52 Elite Fitness 22.11.2022

HOME WOD 06.07.20 3 Sets: 10 Alt. Step back lunges 20 Scap only push ups... :30 Plank hold TABATA 8 Rounds (:20 on/:10 off) -Jumping air squat -Push ups -Jumping lunges *1:00 Rest b/t TABATA

+52 Elite Fitness 22.11.2022

HOMEWOD 29.06.20 3 Sets 10 Scap push ups 5 Bird dogs (each side)... 5 Goblet squat 3 Rounds 18 Push ups 36 Jumping squats 9:00 time cap 3 Rounds 18 Sit ups 18 Dumbell shoulder to overhead right 18 Dumbell shoulder to overhead left 9:00 time cap See more

+52 Elite Fitness 22.11.2022

3 Sets 10 Alternating lunge elbow to the floor 5 Inch orms :30 Overhead singlearm hold ... AMRAP 6 20 Alternating lunges 10 Single arm alternating hang clean & jerk Rest 2 min AMRAP 6 40 Alternating lunges 20 Single arm alternating hang clean & jerk

+52 Elite Fitness 21.11.2022

HOME WOD 02.07.20 Rest active day

+52 Elite Fitness 21.11.2022

HOME WOD 27.06.20 10:00 For quality: 30 Jumping jacks 5 Greatest stretch... :30 Plank 3 Sets: AMRAP 5 30 DUs/30 jumping Jacks 20 Cossack Squat 3 Wall Walks/ 30 Shoulder Taps *Rest 2 min b/t sets

+52 Elite Fitness 20.11.2022

HOME WOD 30.06.20 4 Sets :30 Marching... 10 Bodyweight RDL :30 Handstand hold EMOM 20 Min 1: 20-30 Hip bridges Min 2: 100’ Bear crawl Min 3: max reps box step ups Min 4: Rest See more

+52 Elite Fitness 20.11.2022

HOMEWOD 04.07.20 3 Rounds :30 High knees :30 up down... :30 Air squats :30 plate hops :30 Rest For time: 50 Single arm thrusters 150 Double unders 50 Single arm thrusters 3 Sets 10 cat cow exercises 20 Dead bugs 10 Scorpion stretches See more


Localidad: Hermosillo

Teléfono: +52 662 301 2121

Ubicación: 1ero de Mayo 88 83010 Hermosillo, Sonora, México

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